Full Moon
Jorma Leitzinger Jr. (FIN)
Bible Belt - Travis Tritt
STOMP TWICE, DIAGONAL STEPS AND STOMPS1-2Stomp right together, stomp right together3-4Step right diagonally forward, stomp left together and clap5-6Step left diagonally back, stomp right together7-8Step right diagonally back, stomp left together and clap9-10Step left diagonally forward, stomp right togetherTOUCH TOE, GRAPEVINE RIGHT11-12Touch right toe to side, touch right toe together13-16Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, stomp leftTOUCH TOE, GRAPEVINE LEFT17-18Touch left toe to side, touch left toe together19-22Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side turning ¼ to the left, scuff rightSTEP FORWARD, SCUFF, WALK BACK23-24Step right forward, scuff left25-28Step left back, step right back, step left back, scuff rightJAZZ BOX29-32Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, jump forwardREPEAT