Gonna Make You My Man
Gary Steele (UK)
Wig-Wam Bam - The Sweet
Sequence: AB AB AA BBPART A WALK FORWARD, KICK, WALK BACK, AND TOUCH1-4Walk forward right, left, right, kick left foot forward5-8Walk back left, right, left, touch right next to leftTURNING GRAPEVINE TWICE1-4Full turn grapevine right5-8Full turn grapevine leftSHUFFLE, STEP ½, SHUFFLE, STEP ¾1&2Shuffle forward right3-4Step forward on left, ½ pivot over right shoulder5&6Shuffle forward left7-8Step forward right, ¾ turn over left shoulderTOE STRUT FORWARD X41-2Right toe strut forward3-4Left toe strut forward5-6Right toe strut forward7-8Left toe strut forward½ MONTEREY TURNS TWICE1-2Point right to right side, make ½ turn over right shoulder bringing right foot together3-4Point left to left side, close left next to right5-6Point right to right side, make ½ turn over right shoulder bringing right foot together7-8Point left to left side, close left next to rightPART B CROSS BACK, HIP, HIP, CHASSE AND BACK ROCK1-4Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side pushing hips to the right, hip bump left5&6Chasse right7-8Back rock on left, recover weight onto rightCHASSE AND BACK ROCK, KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP ½ TURN1&2Chasse left3-4Back rock on right, recover weight onto left5&6Kick forward on right, step back on ball of right, step down on left foot placing it slightly in front of right7-8Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn over left shoulderCROSS BACK, HIP, HIP, CHASSE AND BACK ROCK1-4Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side pushing hips to the right, hip bump left5&6Chasse right7-8Back rock on left, recover weight onto rightCHASSE AND BACK ROCK, KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP ½ TURN1&2Chasse left3-4Back rock on right, recover weight onto left5&6Kick forward on right, step back on ball of right, step down on left foot placing it slightly in front of right7-8Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn over left shoulderCROSS BACK, HIP, HIP, CHASSE AND BACK ROCK1-4Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side pushing hips to the right, hip bump left5&6Chasse right7-8Back rock on left, recover weight onto rightEXTRA 4 COUNTS FOR SECTION B1&2Chasse left3-4Rock back on right, recover weight onto left Near the end of the song during the chorus (Section B), the chorus restarts again before it finishes of Section B, so just restart Section B to finish off the song