Happy Times
William Sevone (UK)
Let's Get Happy - Lou
CROSS TAP, SIDE TAP, COASTER STEP, 2X FORWARD SCUFF-STEP WITH EXPRESSION, (12:00)1-2Tap left toe over right foot, tap left toe to left side3&4Step backward onto left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot5-6Scuff right foot forward, step forward onto right foot & clap hands at head height7-8Scuff left foot forward, step forward onto left foot & clap hands at head heightCROSS TAP, SIDE TAP, COASTER STEP, 2X FORWARD SCUFF-STEP WITH EXPRESSION, (12:00)9-10Tap right toe over left foot, tap right toe to right side11&12Step backward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot13-14Scuff left foot forward, step forward onto left foot & clap hands at head height15-16Scuff right foot forward, step forward onto right foot clap hands at head heightSTEP FORWARD, PIVOT ½ RIGHT, 3X FORWARD TOE STRUT WITH EXPRESSION, (6:00)17-18Step forward onto left foot, pivot ½ right (weight on right foot)19-20(Turn upper body to left) step forward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor & clap hands at head height21-22(Turn upper body to right) step forward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor & clap hands at head height23-24(Turn upper body to left) step forward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor & clap hands at head heightSTEP FORWARD, ½ LEFT WITH EXPRESSION, BACKWARD SHUFFLE, ¼ RIGHT SIDE STEP, CROSS ROCK, ROCK, SIDE STEP WITH EXPRESSION, (3:00)25-26Step forward onto right foot, turn ½ left & kick out left foot27&28Step backward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step backward onto left foot29-30Turn ¼ right & step right foot to right side, cross rock left foot over right31-32Rock onto right foot, stamp (no weight) left foot to left side & clap hands at chest heightREPEATDANCE FINISH As the music will slow dramatically on count 28 of the final wall (12), do the following for the final 4 counts:29-30Step backward onto right foot over two counts31-32Turn ¼ right & cross step left foot over right over two counts On count 32 as you cross left over right - touch hat brim with left hand and right hand behind back