Hi Heel Sneakers
Mary G. Martinez (USA)
Hi-Heel Sneakers - Urban Knights : (Album: Urban Knights IV)
INTRO 3 SETS OF 8 (RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT)1-2-3-4Starting with the right knee - knee in, out, in, out (count of 4), right hand following with knee & snapping fingers to the beat (in, out, in, out)5-6-7-8Repeat this with the left for count of 4, then right, then left, then right. Routine begins the second count after the piano starts inTHE MAIN DANCE GRAPEVINES (RIGHT - LEFT)1-2-3-4Weigh on left foot, step to right side on right foot, left behind right foot, step with right foot to the side, bring left foot to side of right foot, tap5-6-7-8Repeat to left side: weight on right foot, step to left side with left foot, right behind left foot, step with left foot to the left, bring right foot to side of left foot, tapFOOT TO THE SIDE (RIGHT - LEFT)1-2-3-4Weight on left foot, extend right leg to your right side, touching right toe to the side, repeat5-6-7-8Switching weight to right foot, extend left leg to your left side, touching left toe to the side repeatTOE STRUTS (FORWARD - BACKWARD)1-2Beginning with your right foot, step onto the ball of your right foot, heel down3-4Repeat with your left foot5-6Then right7-8Then left1With the weight now on your left foot, step back on the ball of your right foot, heel down&Then with your left foot, step back on the ball of your left foot, heel down2Repeat again with your right foot&Repeat again with your left footSAILOR SHUFFLE3&4Weight on left foot, bring right foot behind left, step to left with left foot, step to right with right foot5&6Weight on right foot, bring left foot behind right foot, step with right foot a little behind left foot to make a ¼ turn to your right, bring left foot to right foot7-8Stomp with your right foot, then your left footREPEAT When strutting forward, snap fingers with the beat