High Tide
Tim Gauci (AUS)
The Tide Is High - Atomic Kitten
Start dance 32 beats after first vocals 1-2-3&4Step left to left, slide right to left, shuffle left side (left, right, left)- use hips5-6-7&8Step right behind left, rock weight forward on left, step right back turning ¼ to left, step left to left turning ¼ to left (&), step right over left 1-2-3&4Step left to left, slide right to left, shuffle left side (left, right, left)- use hips5-6-7&8Step right behind left, rock weight forward on left, step right back turning ¼ to left, step left forward turning ½ to left (&), step right forward 1-2-3&4Step left forward (pushing left hip forward), slide right to left (pushing right hip back), shuffle forward left, right, left5-6-7-8Step right forward, pivot ¼ to left, step right forward, pivot ¼ to left- use hip on ¼ turns 1-2-3&4Step right forward (pushing right hip forward), slide left to right (pushing left hip back), shuffle forward right, left, right5-6&7&8Step left forward, rock weight on right, step left together (&), shuffle right over left (right, left, right)REPEATTAG 1 At the end of walls 2 (back wall) & 4 (front wall), add these 16 extra beats and continue dance from the beginning1-2-3&4Step left to left, slide right to left, shuffle left side turning ¼ to left5-6-7&8Step right forward, pivot ¼ to left, shuffle right over left (right, left, right)1-2-3&4Step left to left, slide right to left, shuffle left side turning ¼ to left5-6-7&8Step right forward, pivot ¼ to left, shuffle right over left (right, left, right)TAG 2 At the end of the 4th wall (facing 3:00)- step left to left and sway hips left, right, left, right then start dance from the beginning