Hot Foot Shuffle
Wartan Jemian (USA)
Leave My Girl Alone - Travis Tritt
INTRODUCTION POINT, POINT, TRIPLE STEP, POINT, POINT, TRIPLE STEP1-2Point right toe to front, point toe to right3&4Triple step in place, right-left-right5-6Point left toe to front, point toe to left7&8Triple step in place, left-right-leftSHUFFLE, TURN, SHUFFLE, STEP, STEP1&2Shuffle forward, right-left-right3-4Step left forward, turn ¼ turn right5&6Shuffle forward, left-right-left7-8Step right together, step left beside 17-62Repeat 1-16 of introTHE MAIN DANCE RIGHT FOOT: POINT, CROSS, STOMP, HOLD1-2Point right toe forward to right, cross right leg across left knee3-4Point right toe forward to right, cross right leg across left knee5-6Point right toe forward to right, cross right leg across left knee7-8Stomp right forward clenching both fists in front at waist level, holdLEFT FOOT: POINT, CROSS, STOMP, HOLD9-10Point left toe forward to left, cross left leg across right knee11-12Point left toe forward to left, cross left leg across right knee13-14Point left toe forward to left, cross left leg across right knee15-16Stomp left forward clenching both fists in front at waist level, pivot ¼ turn right and hold 1-48Repeat those 16 counts three more timesHALF MONTEREY TURN, POINT, TOGETHER, POINT, TOGETHER1-2Point right toe to right, swing right leg behind left, turning about and step beside with right3-4Point left toe left, drag left foot beside5-6Point right toe to right, drag right foot together7-8Point left toe to left, drag left foot togetherHALF MONTEREY TURN, POINT, TURN TOGETHER, POINT, TOGETHER9-10Point right toe to right, swing right leg behind left, turning about and step beside11-12Point left toe left, drag left foot beside13-14Point right toe to right, drag right foot behind left foot pivoting _ turn right15-16Point left toe to left, drag left foot together 1-48Repeat those 16 counts three more timesLIFT, RISE, CROSS, UNWIND, KICK BALL CHANGE, STOMP, STOMP&1Rise on toes of both feet, settle down in place2Jump up, land with feet shoulder width apart3Jump up high enough to allow crossing the right in front of the left on landing4Unwind to face in the reverse direction5&6Brush kick with right foot, touch with right foot, step on left7-8Stomp on right, stomp on left besideLIFT, RISE, CROSS, UNWIND, TURNING KICK BALL CHANGE, STOMP, STOMP&9Rise on toes of both feet, settle down in place10Jump up, land with feet shoulder width apart11Jump up high enough to allow crossing the right in front of the left on landing12Unwind to face in the reverse direction13&14Brush kick with right foot, touch with right foot turning ¼ turn right, step on left foot15-16Stomp on right, stomp on left beside 1-48Repeat those 16 counts three more timesREPEAT You can replace each 16 count pattern with any 8 or 16 count sequence that needs to be practiced