Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
Jan Wyllie (AUS)
Honky Tonk Merry Go Round - Patsy Cline
¼ SHUFFLE, ½ SHUFFLE, ½ SHUFFLE, STEP PIVOT ¼ The following 3 shuffles all move to the right side1&2Making ¼ right shuffle to the right side right, left, right3&4Making ½ turn right shuffle back left, right, left5&6Making ½ turn right (back over right shoulder) shuffle forward right, left, right7-8Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right transferring weight to right (now facing the back)STEP ACROSS TOUCH, STEP ACROSS TOUCH, ROCK RETURN, STEP BACK TOUCH9-10Step left across right, touch right toe to right side11-12Step right across left, touch left toe to left side13-14Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right15-16Step back on left, touch right beside leftROCK/RETURN, STEP BACK ACROSS, SIDE ROCK RETURN, STOMP HOLD17-18Rock/step forward on right, rock back on left19-20Step back on right, step left across right21-22Rock/step right to right side, rock/return weight sideways onto left23-24Stomp right beside left (weight on left), holdSIDE ROCK RETURN, CROSS SHUFFLE, VINE LEFT STOMP25-26Rock/step right to right, rock/return weight sideways onto left27&28Cross/shuffle to the left stepping right, left, right29-32Vine to the left (left, right, left, stomp right beside left)REPEAT