Honky Tonk Attitude
Dianne Gervitch
Honky Tonk Attitude - Joe Diffie
STEP RIGHT1Step right with right foot2Step left foot next to right3Step right with right footROCK STEP4- 5Rock step (back on left, forward on right)STEP LEFT6Step out to left with left foot7Hold position 1 beatKNEE POPS8&2 quick knee pops or kicks with right legTOE TOUCHES9Touch right toe into arch of left foot10Touch right heel into left arch11Touch right toe into arch of left foot12Touch right heel into left archKICK & CROSS13Kick with left foot14Cross left foot over right leg15Kick out with left foot16Step down with left foot next to rightKICK-BALL-CHANGE17&18Kick-ball-change starting on right footTWIST DOWN19- 20Twist right and down (right toe & left heel up)21- 22Twist right and down23- 24Twist right and downSCISSORS25Scissors jump (jump, landing with feet spread slightly apart)26Cross jump (jump, landing with right leg crossed over left)½ TURN27Turn ½ turn to the left28Step left on left footKICK & SLAP29Kick right foot behind left leg and slap right foot with left hand30Kick right foot out to right side and slap right foot with right handKICK & TURN31Kick right foot across the front of left leg while using momentum of foot movement to pivot body ¼ turn to the left32Kick right foot out to right. (this leaves your foot off the floor and ready to drop down on the floor to start step #1)REPEAT