I Don't Believe It
William Sevone (UK)
Loving You Has Made Me Bananas - Guy Marks
Sequence: AAAA, BRIDGE, BBBBBB, FINISHPART A (SPOKEN INTRO) 2X SIDE STEP-TOE TOUCHES WITH EXPRESSION, 2X SIDE STEP-TOGETHER WITH EXPRESSION1-2Step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot Count 2: left shoulder dipped, left arm pointing down, right arm pointing up3-4Step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot Count 4: right shoulder dipped, right arm pointing down, left arm pointing up5-6Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right7-8Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right Count 5, 7: as count 2 (left shoulder etc) Count 6, 8: as count 4 (right shoulder etc)2X SIDE STEP-TOE TOUCHES WITH EXPRESSION, 2X SIDE STEP-TOGETHER WITH EXPRESSION9-10Step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot Count 10: right shoulder dipped, right arm pointing down, left arm pointing up11-12Step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot Count 12: left shoulder dipped, left arm pointing down, right arm pointing up13-14Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left15-16Step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot Count 13, 15: as count 10 (right shoulder etc) Count 14, 16: as count 12 (left shoulder etc)FULL TURN DANCE SQUARE17-18Turn ¼ right & step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot19-20Turn ¼ right & step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot21-22Turn ¼ right & step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot23-24Turn ¼ right & step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left4X CHARLESTON BOBS WITH EXPRESSION, SIDE STEP, TOE TOUCH, ¼ LEFT STEP FORWARD, TOE TOUCH25Bend both knees diagonally forward left-arms (open palmed) diagonal right (Charleston style)26Bend both knees diagonally forward right-arms (open palmed) diagonal left (Charleston style)27-28Repeat count 25, repeat count 2629-30(Straighten up) step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot31-32Turn ¼ left & step forward onto left foot, touch right toe next to left footBRIDGE After completing the 4th wall (part 1) do the following1-4Step right foot in place, touch left toe to left side, touch left toe next to right foot, touch left toe to left sidePART B (SING-ALONG TIME) 2X VAUDEVILLES WITH EXPRESSION, HEEL SWITCHES WITH HOLDS1&2Cross step left foot over right, step right foot to right side, touch left heel diagonally forward left&Step left foot next to right3&4Cross step right foot over left, step left foot to left side, touch right heel diagonally forward right Both vaudevilles: cross step, forearms crossed & touch, arms extended outward&5-6Step right foot next to left, touch left heel forward, hold&7-8Step left foot next to right, touch right heel forward, hold2X BACKWARD TOE STRUTS WITH EXPRESSION, ½ RIGHT SHUFFLE FORWARD, FULL TURN TRIPLE STEP9-10(Body & head turned right) step backward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor11-12(Body & head turned left) step backward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor13&14Turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot15&16(On the spot) triple step full turn right stepping left, right, left(MOVING BACKWARD) 4X DIAGONAL FORWARD KICK-STEP BACKWARD17-18Kick right foot diagonally forward left, step backward onto right foot19-20Kick left foot diagonally forward right, step backward onto left foot21-22Kick right foot diagonally forward left, step backward onto right foot23-24Kick left foot diagonally forward right, step backward onto left foot,COASTER STEP, STEP FORWARD, PIVOT ½ RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT SIDE STEP, STEP BEHIND, SIDE ROCK, ROCK WITH ¼ RIGHT25&26Step backward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot27-28Step forward onto left foot, pivot ½ right, (weight on right foot)29-30Turn ¼ right & step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left,31-32Rock left foot to left side, rock onto right foot & turn ¼ rightFINISH After count 32 of wall 6 (part 2) do the following1-3Step forward onto left foot, pivot ½ right, hold4&5Step ball of left foot next to right, step right foot in place, step left foot in place Count 5: right hand on hat brim-left hand behind back