I Could Be The One
Steven Coleman (UK)
I Could Be the One - Stacie Orrico
GRAPEVINE RIGHT, UNWIND, POINT, POINT, TURN, POINT1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right3-4Step right to right side, point left toe behind right5-6Unwind ½ turn left7-8Point right toe forward, point right toe to right sideTURN RIGHT, POINT, CROSS, ROCK, STEP, ROCK, CROSS1-2Step right foot round making ½ turn to the right, point left to left side3-4Cross left in front of right, rock right to right side5-6Step left foot forward making ¼ turn left, rock right foot forward7-8Step back onto left, cross right behind leftPOINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, POINT, UNWIND, ROCK, STEP1-2Point left toe to left side, cross left behind right3-4Point right toe to right side, cross right behind left5-6Point right toe back, unwind ½ turn left7-8Rock forward on right, step back onto leftCROSS, POINT, CROSS, POINT, STEP, TURN, POINT, HITCH1-2Cross right behind left, point left toe to left side3-4Cross left behind right, point right toe to right side5-6Step back on right making ¼ turn left, step forward on right making ½ turn left (total ¾ turn)7-8Point right toe to right side, hitch right foot up behind left knee and slap with left handREPEAT