(I'm Your) Redneck Girl
Improver line/contra dance
Zandra Varnham (SCO)
Redneck Girl - The Bellamy Brothers
TOE STRUTS X41-2Step ball of right foot across left, drop the heel and take the weight3-4Step ball of left foot to left side, drop the heel and take the weight5-6Step ball of right foot across left, drop the heel and take the weight7-8Step ball of left foot to left side, drop the heel and take the weightJAZZ BOX, JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN1-2Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot3-4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, take the weight5-6Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot7-8¼ turning right step forward on right foot, step left foot next to rightTOE STRUTS X41-2Step ball of right foot across left, drop the heel and take the weight3-4Step ball of left foot to left side, drop the heel and take the weight5-6Step ball of right foot across left, drop the heel and take the weight7-8Step ball of left foot to left side, drop the heel and take the weightJAZZ BOX, JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN1-2Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot3-4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, take the weight5-6Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot7-8¼ turning right step forward on right foot, step left foot next to rightSTEP, SLIDE STEP, TOUCH TWICE (SHOOP SHOOP STEPS)1-2Step right foot to right diagonal forward, slide left foot into the right and take the weight3-4Step right foot to right diagonal forward, touch left foot next to right - clap5-6Step left foot to left diagonal forward, slide right foot in next to left foot and take the weight7-8Step left foot to left diagonal forward, touch right foot in next to left foot - clapRIGHT GRAPEVINE, LEFT GRAPEVINE1-2Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right foot3-4Step right foot to right side, touch left foot next to right foot5-6Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left foot7-8Step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left footBACK TOE STRUTS1-2Step back on the ball of right foot, drop right heel and take the weight3-4Step back on the ball of left foot, drop left heel and take the weight5-6Step back on the ball of right foot, drop right heel and take the weight7-8Step back on the ball of left foot, drop left heel and take the weightSTEP, TURN, TOUCH, CLAP TWICE1-2Step forward on right foot, pivot turn ¼ turn left3-4Touch right foot next to left, clap5-6Step forward on right foot, pivot turn ¼ turn left7-8Touch right foot next to left, clapREPEAT