I'll Be
Stephen Sunter (UK)
Goodbye's (The Saddest Word) - Céline Dion
SIDE ROCK, FRONT, ½ TURN RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, ¼ STEP, FULL SPIN1-2Step right to right and lunge body to right, push weight back over to left3&4Cross step right in front of left, make a ¼ turn right, stepping back left, ¼ turn right stepping right to side5-6Cross rock left over right, replace weight to right7-8Turn ¼ left stepping forward left, full turn on ball of left foot bringing right next to left (no weight)FORWARD, PUSH BACK, BACK, BACK, SIDE, HOOK, STEP, FULL TURN, SIDE ROCK, TOGETHER9-10Lunge forward right, push back and take weight onto left sliding right back toward left11&12Step back right, step back left, side step right&13Hook left foot turning body slightly to the left, make ¼ turn left stepping forward14Make a ¾ turn on ball of left foot and step right next to left with weight15&16Side rock left, replace weight to right, touch left next to rightSTEP, POINT, FULL TURN, STEP, SWAY LEFT, SWAY RIGHT, CROSS17-18Step forward left, point right to side19-20Full turn right on ball of left and hooking right over left, step forward right21&22Step left to left and sway hips left, replace weight to right and sway hips right, cross step left over right23&24Step right to right and sway hips right, replace weight to left and sway hips left, cross step right over leftPOINT, ¾ TURN, HOOK, ROCK, SWITCH, CROSS TOUCH, STEP, ¾ TURN25-26Point left, make a ¾ turn left on ball of right foot and hook left across right27-28Rock forward left, replace weight to right&29-30Step back left, cross right over left and touch toe to floor, step forward right31&32Traveling forward make 1 & ¾ clock wise turnREPEAT