Mr Lim Peng Chye (SG)
STOMPS AND SHUFFLES1-2Stomp right foot forward, stomp left foot forward3&4Shuffle 3 steps backward right foot, left foot, right foot5-6Stomp left foot forward; stomp right foot backward7&8Shuffle 3 steps forward: left foot, right foot, left footSIDE SHUFFLE, STOMP, STOMP1&2Step right foot to the right, step left foot beside right foot, step right foot to side3-4Stomp left foot to the left, stomp right foot to the right5&6Step left foot to the left, step right foot beside left foot, step left foot to side7-8Stomp right foot to the right, stomp left foot to the leftJAZZ BOX WITH A STOMP1-2-3Step right foot forward, cross left foot over right foot, step right foot back&4Step left foot to the left, stomp right foot beside left foot5-6-7Step left foot forward, cross right foot over left foot, step left foot back&8Step right foot to the right, stomp left foot beside right footSWIVELS WITH CLAPS (RIGHT AND LEFT)1Swivel both heels to the right2Swivel both toes to the right3Swivel both heels to the right4Hold and clap hands5Swivel both heels to the left6Swivel both toes to the left7Swivel both heels to the left8Hold and clap handsVINE WITH HALF TURN1-2-3Step right foot to the right, cross left foot behind right foot, step right foot to side&4Step left foot to the left, on ball of left foot, pivot ½ turn to the right, with right foot to the right, with right foot to the right side5-6-7Step left foot to the left, cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to side&8Step right foot to the right, on ball of right foot, pivot ½ turn to the left, with left foot to the left sideCROSS, UNWIND HALF TURN AND SIDE TAPS1-2Cross right foot over left foot, unwind ½ turn to the left with right foot beside left foot3&4Tap right foot to the right side, tap right foot beside left foot, tap left foot to left5-6Cross left foot over right foot, unwind ½ turn to the right with left foot beside right foot7&8Tap left foot to the left side, tap left foot beside right foot, tap right foot to rightDIAGONALLY FORWARD STEPS AND SIDE TAPS1-2Step right foot diagonally forward to the left, tap left foot to the left side3-4Step left foot diagonally forward to the right, tap right foot to the right side5-6Step right foot diagonally forward to the left, tap left foot to the left side7-8Step left foot diagonally forward to the right, tap right foot to the right side3 SWINGING BACK STEPS, ROCK AND CROSS1-2-3Swing right foot behind left foot, left foot behind right foot, right foot behind left foot4Step left foot forward&Rock right foot back5Rock onto left foot6-7Cross right foot over left foot, hold8Cross left foot over right footREPEAT