It's Getting Better
Allen Matthias
After All - Joni Harms
Position: Sweetheart, Both on Same FootRIGHT HEEL STRUT, LEFT HEEL STRUT, RIGHT SHUFFLE, STEP ½ PIVOT1-2Step right heel forward, right toe down3-4Step left heel forward, left toe down5&6Right shuffle7-8Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn to right (weight on right)LEFT HEEL STRUT, RIGHT HEEL STRUT, LEFT SHUFFLE, STEP ½ PIVOT1-2Step left heel forward, left toe down3-4Step right heel forward, right toe down5&6Left shuffle7-8Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn to left Weight on left facing OLOD in IndianEXTENDED WEAVE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN1-2Cross right over left, left to the side3-4Right behind left, left to the side5-6Cross right over left, left to side7-8Right behind left, step left to side with ¼ turn left (back to Sweetheart)STEP LOCK STEP, BRUSH, STEP ½ TURN, STEP HOLD1-2Step forward on right, lock left behind right3-4Step forward on right, brush left5-6Step forward to left, ½ pivot turn right7-8Step forward on left, hold for one beatSTEP ½ TURN, STEP, HOLD, STEP LOCK, STEP BRUSH1-2Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn to left3-4Step forward on right, hold for one beat5-6Step forward on left, lock right behind left7-8Step forward on left, brush rightSTEP TOUCH, BACK TOUCH, SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE1-2Step forward on right, touch left behind right3-4Step back on left, touch right across left5&6Right shuffle7&8Left shuffleREPEAT