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Norma Jean Fuller (USA)
I Hope You Want Me Too - The Mavericks
SAILOR SHUFFLE, MAMBO STEP, MAMBO STEP1Cross right behind left&2Step left to left side, step in place with right foot3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step in place with left foot5&6Cross step right over left, step left in place, step right beside left (attitude)7&8Cross step left over right, step right in place, step left beside rightSTEP TURN, MAMBO SIDE STEP, STEP TURN, MAMBO SIDE STEP1Step right foot forward2Pivot ½ turn to left on left3&4Step right foot to right, step left foot in place, step right foot beside left More attitude5Step left foot forward6Pivot ½ turn to right on right7&8Step left foot to left, step right foot in place, step left foot beside right& CROSS LEFT, STEP, SWIVEL SWIVEL SWIVEL, CROSS RIGHT, STEP, SWIVEL SWIVEL SWIVEL&1With weight on left step on ball of right foot behind left heel, cross left over right2Step right beside left3&4Swivel heels to right, swivel heels to left, swivel heels to right&5With weight on right, step on ball of left foot behind right heel, cross right over left6Step left beside right7&8Swivel heels to left, swivel heels to right, swivel heels to leftMONTEREY, SWIVEL SWIVEL SWIVEL, TOUCHES, STEP ¼ TURN RIGHT TOUCHES1Touch right toe to right side2Spin ½ turn right on left foot3&4Swivel heels to right, swivel heels to left, swivel heels to right5Touch left toe to left side&6Step left foot together, touch right toe to right side&7Step right foot beside left making ¼ turn right, touch left toe to side&8Step left foot together, touch right toe to right side¼ TURN SAILOR SHUFFLE. JUMP BACK, SNAP, CROSS LEFT OVER RIGHT WITH ½ TURN, SNAP1Pivot ¼ turn right on ball of left and sweep/step right foot behind left&2Step left foot to left side, step right foot to right3&4Cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot in place&5Jump back on right, jump back on left, with feet slightly apart6Snap fingers on both hands&7Step back on ball of right foot, cross left over right (keeping left over right)8Pivot ½ turn right on balls of both feet, (ending with weight on left foot)SAILOR SHUFFLES1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left& JUMP BACK, SNAP, CROSS LEFT OVER RIGHT WITH ½ TURN, SNAP&5Jump back on right, jump back on left (with feet slightly apart)6Snap fingers or hold&With weight on left, jump back on right7Cross left over right keeping left over right)8Pivot ½ turn right on balls of both feet 1-8Repeat previous 8 countsSAILOR SHUFFLES, SWIVEL SWIVEL SWIVEL, TOUCH & TOUCH1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left5&6Swivel heels to right, swivel heels to left, swivel heels to right7&8Touch left toes to side & step left beside right, touch right toes to sideREPEAT