Joy Of Life Waltz
Intermediate/Advanced waltz
Wartan Jemian (USA)
Song for the Life - Alan Jackson
Emphasize the first and fourth steps in each sequence of six counts. These steps should be taken in strict time with the music. The other steps may be adjusted for continuity of motionSPIN KICK AHEAD1-3Step left ahead with ¼ turn to the left, step right ahead with ¾ turn to the left, short step left ahead to stop turn. These three steps are towards 12:004Kick right foot forward, swinging leg and foot from the knee5Step right foot back from the knee, pivoting ½ to the right using the shoulders for momentum6Kick left ahead, swinging leg and foot from the knee. /balance, continuity and form are of primary importance in this sequenceSPIN KICK BACK7-12Repeat steps 1-6, but towards 6:00 to return towards starting pointTURNING VINE WITH KICK AND SHUFFLE RETURN1-3Step left with left, step right behind, step left to left turning ¼ to the left4-6Kick right ahead towards 9:00, step back on right turning ¼ to the left, short step left ahead turning ¼ to the left7-9Right-left-right in place10-12Step left ahead, touch right beside, step right aheadKICK TURNS1Step left in place2Kick right forward3Swing right back, turning ¼ to the right, use shoulder momentum4Touch right in place5Kick right forward6Swing right back, turning ¼ to the right, use shoulder momentum7Touch right in place8Kick right forward9Swing right back, turning ¼ to the right, use shoulder momentum10-12Right-left-rightTURNING VINE WITH KICK AND SHUFFLE RETURN1-12Repeat steps 13-24SKATERS WALTZ AND HESITATION WALTZ1-3Step diagonally forward to left on left, drag right toe towards left foot, tap right toe next to left4-6Step diagonally forward to right on right, drag left toe towards right foot, tap left toe next to right7-9Step diagonally back to left on left, step right together, step left in place10-12Step diagonally back to right on right, step left together, touch right in placeSKATERS WALTZ, STEP DRAG AND JAZZ TWINKLE1-3Step right foot to side with large step, drag left foot towards right, touch left toe next to right foot4-6Step left foot to side with large step, drag right foot towards left, step right foot next to left7-9Step forward on left, point right toe to side, hold10-12Cross step right over left, step back on left, touch right togetherREPEAT