Dennis Foley (AUS) & Verity Mills (AUS)
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
This dance was choreographed specifically to introduce "raw " beginners to line dancing. It is in fact the first half of our club dance "Rawhide".VINE, CLOSE & CLAP1-2-3Right step to the side, left step across behind right, right step to the side4Close left to right and clap hands in front of right shoulderVINE, TOUCH & CLAP1-2-3Left step to the side, right step across behind left, left step to the side4Touch right heel diagonally forward and clap hands in front of right shoulderSTEP, STEP, STEP, HITCH & CLAP1-2-3Right step back, left step back, right step back (twisting body slightly right)4Hitch left across in front of right leg and clap hands in front of right shoulderSTEP, LOCK, STEP , SCUFF & TURN1-2-3-4Left step forward, lock right behind left, left step forward turning ¼ turn left, scuff rightREPEAT