Wranglers Butts
Gordon Elliott (AUS)
Wrangler Butts - Jeff Moore
To fit the dance with the music, start the 4th sequence with the first 20 beats of the dance, then start again from the beginning of the dance still facing the same direction. This repeat is done once only during the dancePADDLE TURNS X 41-2Step right forward, turn ¼ turn left. Take weight on left3-4Step right forward, turn ¼ turn left. Take weight on left5-6Step right forward, turn ¼ turn left. Take weight on left7-8Step right forward, turn ¼ turn left. Take weight on leftSHUFFLE FORWARD, ½ TURN X 29-10Shuffle forward right-left-right11-12Step left forward, turn ½ turn right take weight on right13-14Shuffle forward left-right-left15-16Step right forward, turn ½ turn left take weight on leftFORWARD, STOMP & CLAP, BACK, STOMP & CLAP, 4 HIPS17-18Step right forward, stomp left together & clap19-20Step left back, stomp right together & clap21-22Step right to the side & push hips right, push hips left23-24Push hips right, push hips leftACROSS, POINT, ACROSS, POINT, BOX ¼ TURN & STOMP25-26Step right across in front of left, point left toe to the side27-28Step left across in front of right, point right toe to the side29-30Box step: step right across in front of left, step left back31-32Turn ¼ turn right-step right forward, stomp left togetherREPEAT