Wrangler Butts
Jorma Leitzinger Jr. (FIN)
Wrangler Butts - Jeff Moore
SIDE STEPS, HIP BUMPS1-2Step side right, slap right buttock with right hand3-4Step side left, slap left buttock with left hand5-6Bump hips right, bump hips left7-8Bump hips right, bump hips leftSTEP, SLIDE, STEP, SCUFF TWICE9-10Step forward right, lock step left behind right11-12Step forward right, scuff forward left13-14Step forward left, lock step right behind left15-16Step forward left, scuff forward rightSTEP BACK, HOLD X417-18Step back right, hold and snap fingers19-20Step back left, hold and snap fingers21-22Step back right, hold and snap fingers23-24Step back left, hold and snap fingersGRAPEVINE RIGHT, GRAPEVINE LEFT25-26Step side right, cross left behind27-28Step side right, slap left foot behind right with right hand29-30Step side left, cross right behind31-32Step side left (turn ¼ to the left) stomp right diagonally forwardREPEAT