William Sevone (UK)
I Begin to Wonder - Dannii Minogue
4X SIDE TOE TOUCH - STEP FORWARD, (12:00)1-2Tap right toe to right side, step forward onto right foot3-4Tap left toe to left side, step forward onto left foot5-6Tap right toe to right side, step forward onto right foot7-8Tap left toe to left side, step forward onto left foot Counts 2-4-6-8 are shortish steps - not giant leapsCROSS STEP, UNWIND ½ LEFT, 2X SHUFFLE BACKWARD, ROCK BACKWARD, STEP, (6:00)9-10Cross step right foot over left, unwind ½ left (weight on right foot)11&12Step backward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step backward onto left foot13&14Step backward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step backward onto right foot15-16Rock backward onto left foot, step onto right footWALK FORWARD: LEFT - RIGHT, ¼ RIGHT CHASSE LEFT, ¼ RIGHT ROCK BACKWARD, STEP, FORWARD HEEL TOUCH, ¼ RIGHT TOGETHER, (3:00)17-18Walk forward: left foot, right foot19&20Turn ¼ right & step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side21-22Turn ¼ right & rock backward onto right foot, step onto left foot23-24Touch right heel forward, turn ¼ right & step right foot next to leftFORWARD HEEL TOUCH, TOGETHER, 2X CROSS ROCK CHA-CHA, SIDE STEP, STEP BEHIND, (3:00)25-26Touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right27&28(On the spot) cross rock right foot over left, rock onto left foot, step onto right foot29&30(On the spot) cross rock left foot over right, rock onto right foot, step onto left foot On counts 27&28, body is turned toward left. On counts 29&30, body is turned toward right31-32Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind rightREPEATTAG At the end of the 8th and 12th walls (both facing the 'home' wall)1-2Step right foot to right, touch left toe next to right foot & clap hands at head height3-4Step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot & clap hands at head heightDANCE FINISH The dance will finish on count 32 of the 14th wall (facing 6:00), to create a flourish and end up facing the 'home' wall do the following after count 32 - 'unwind ½ left with (optional) right hand on hat brim and left hand on left hip'