What You're Proposing
Andrew Palmer (UK), Simon Cox (UK) & Sheila Palmer (UK)
What You're Proposing - Status Quo
INTRODUCTION SECTION: CROSS, HOLD, BACK RIGHT, HOLD, TURN ¼ RIGHT, HOLD, TOGETHER, HOLD1-4Cross right over left, hold (and click fingers), step back on left, hold (and click fingers)5-8¼ right (3:00) step right to side, hold (and click fingers). Step left in place beside right, hold (and click fingers) Repeat above 8 counts 3 times (end facing 12:00)THE MAIN DANCE: HEEL, TAP, FORWARD, TOUCH, FORWARD, TOUCH, BACK RIGHT, BACK LEFT1-4Touch right heel forward, hook right across left and tap right toe, step right forward, touch left in place beside right5-8Step left forward, touch right in place beside left, step back on right, step back on leftBACK RIGHT, HEEL, TAP, TAP, FORWARD, TOUCH, BACK RIGHT, TOUCH1-4Step back on right, touch left heel forward, hook left across right and tap left toe, tap left toe5-8Step left forward, touch right in place beside left, step back on right, touch left in place beside rightSIDE, TOGETHER, ¼ LEFT, SCUFF, STEP, TURN ½ LEFT, STEP, HOLD1-4Step left to side, step right in place beside left, ¼ left (9:00) step left forward, scuff right heel5-8Step right forward, pivot ½ left (3:00), step right forward, holdSTEP, LOCK, STEP, HOLD, ROCK, RECOVER, TURN ¼ RIGHT, HOLD1-4Step left forward, lock right behind left heel, step left forward, hold5-8Rock right forward, recover weight to left, ¼ right (6:00) step right to side, holdCROSS-ROCK, SIDE, HOLD, CROSS-ROCK, SIDE, HOLD1-4Rock left over right, recover weight to right, step left to side, hold5-8Rock right over left, recover weight to left, step right to side, hold Restart on wall 4 facing 12:00CROSS, HOLD, BACK RIGHT, HOLD, SIDE, HOLD, TOGETHER, HOLD Skip these 8 counts for wall 1, 5 & 8) i.e. No box-step for these 3 walls1-8Cross left over right, hold, step back on right, hold, step left to side, hold, step right in place beside left, holdTOUCH, TOUCH, TAP, TAP, SIDE, HOLD, HOLD, HOLD1-4Touch left across right, touch left to side, tap left in place beside right, tap left5-8Step left to side, hold, hold, holdREPEATTAG End of wall 9 (facing 6:00)1-2Hold, hold