What Do You Feel
Roy Hadisubroto (IRE)
I Feel The Love - NSync
1st Place Dutch Country Western Dance Championships 2001TOUCH (2X), BOUNCE (2X), HITCH (WITH ARM MOVEMENT), CROSS, UNWIND ½ TURN LEFT1Right foot touch to right side (3:00) with body angled left (facing 10:30)&Right foot step together (facing 12:00)2Left foot touch to left side (9:00) with body angled right (facing 1:30)&Left foot step together (facing 12:00)3Right foot touch to right side (3:00), putting heel down (3:00)&Right foot heel up (3:00)4Right foot heel down (3:00) Arm movements1-4Bending elbows, put upper arm slightly away from body. Bounce arms up and down to beat of music 5Right foot raise/lift knee, bring leg to the front of left foot6Right foot cross in front of left foot, both knees bent (still facing 12:00) Arm movements5-6Bring both arms slowly up, starting from thigh to along side of your body (like batman, elbows bent) 7-8Both unwind both feet ½ turn left (facing 6:00), straightening knees Arm movements7-8Bring both hands slowly down next to bodyHIP HOP, HIP HOP (REVERSE), TOUCH, STEP, ½ TURNS9Both hop right foot forward (6:00) as left foot goes back (12:00)&Right foot hop right foot back to center, hitching left knee10Both hop left foot forward (6:00) as right foot goes back (12:00)11Both hop left foot backward (12:00) as right foot goes forward (6:00)&Left foot hop left foot forward to center, hitching right knee12Both hop right foot backward (12:00) as left foot goes forward (6:00)&Left foot step together13Right foot touch forward (6:00)14Right foot step back (12:00) (weight on both feet)15Both turn on both heels (toes up) ½ turn right (put toes down) (facing 12:00)16Both turn on both heels (toes up) ½ turn left (put toes down) (facing 6:00)TOUCH, HEEL JACKS, STEP, SLIDE, TOUCH 2X, STEP, SLIDE, ¼ TURN LEFT, TOUCH 2X, STEP17Right foot touch diagonally forward left (4:30) in front of left foot18Right foot step diagonally back (10:30), putting left heel (toes up) diagonally forward (4:30) (body angled left facing 4:30)&Left foot hop back to center (facing 6:00), hitching right knee19Right foot step diagonally back (1:30), putting left heel (toes up) diagonally forward (7:30) (body angled right facing 7:30)&Left foot hop back to center (facing 6:00), hitching right knee20Right foot step long step right (9:00), sliding left foot to right foot21Left foot touch beside right foot&Left foot touch beside right foot (shift weight on left foot while putting left heel down. This is a very quick movement)22Right foot step forward (6:00)&Right foot turn ¼ left (facing 3:00), sliding left foot to right foot23Left foot touch beside right foot&Left foot touch beside right foot (shift weight on left foot while putting left heel down. This is a very quick movement)24Right foot step forward slightly bending knee (3:00) (putting some weight on)TWIST, ½ TURN LEFT, STEP, DRAG, OUT, OUT, HOLD, TOUCH (WITH ARM MOVEMENTS)25Right foot (on ball, heel out) twist knee in (10:30) body angled 12:00&Right foot (on ball, heel in) twist knee out (01:30 - gradually change weight to right foot) body angled 12:0026Right foot turn both feet ½ turn left (weight on right foot) (facing 9:00)27Left foot step forward (9:00)28Right foot drag to left foot29Right foot step to right side (12:00) Arm movements Stretch right arm out to front, fingers stretched (pointed), back of left hand on right elbow30Left foot step to left side (6:00) Arm movements Stretch left arm out to front, fingers stretched (pointed), back of right hand on left elbow31Both hold Arm movements Cross both arms in front of chest (hand fisted, hand palms facing front)&Both hold Arm movements Turn both arms down and inside out, back to chest (at end, arms still in cross position, hands still fisted but hand palms now facing chest)32Right foot touch beside left foot Arm movements Uncross arms (hands still fisted, hand palms shoulder height), bringing arms downREPEAT If you use the music by NSync, then this dance will be an ABC dance. After the 8th wall you should dance the first 8 steps twice (TOUCH (2X), BOUNCE (2X), HITCH (WITH ARM MOVEMENT), CROSS, UNWIND ½ TURN LEFT)