Westcoast Romeo
Diane Benton (UK)
Let's Give Thanks - Dave Sheriff
STEP-TOGETHER, BACK-TOGETHER, STEP-TOGETHER, BACK-TOGETHER1-2Step forward on right, touch left toe to right instep3-4Recover back on left, touch right toe to left instep5-8Repeat 1-4CROSS TOUCH BALL CHANGE9&10Touch right toe diagonally forward across left, step right to right, close left to right11&12Repeat 9&10STEP, LOCK, STEP, HITCH TURN13-14Step forward on right, slide left behind right with lock15-16Step forward on right, pivot ¼ to right on right, with left hitched in air17-18Step forward on left, slide right behind left with lock19-20Step forward on left, touch right next to leftVINES21-24Rolling vine to right, end with touch25-28Rolling vine to left, end with touchREPEAT