Way Too Cool
Peter Metelnick (UK)
Wrangler Butts - Jeff Moore
RIGHT HEEL GRIND, STEP TOGETHER & HEEL SPLIT TWICE1Touch right heel forward turning toes toward the left2Grind heel turning toes to the right3&4Step right foot together, split heels apart, turn heels together with weight ending on left foot5Touch right heel forward turning toes toward the left6Grind heel turning toes to the right7&8Step right foot together, split heels apart, turn heels together with weight ending on left footVINE RIGHT 3, BUMP RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT/RIGHT/LEFT1-3Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right and step, step right foot to right side4Bump hips right5-6Bump hips left, right7&8Bump hips left, right, left with weight ending on right foot (raise left heel off the floor on the last bumps to keep weight on right foot)VINE LEFT 3 & TOUCH, RIGHT KNEE ROLL WITH ¼ RIGHT TURN, LEFT KICK BALL CHANGE1-4Step left foot to left side, cross right foot behind left and step, step left foot to left side, touch right toes together5Turn right knee in toward left leg and start to roll right knee to the right6Pivot ¼ right on left foot and complete knee roll to the right with weight ending on right foot7&8Kick left foot forward, step back on ball of left foot, step right foot togetherSYNCOPATED SIDE TOUCHES WITH HOLDS, RIGHT CROSS OVER, LEFT SIDE LEFT, RIGHT ROCK BACK & RECOVER1-2Touch left toes to left side, hold&Step left foot together3-4Touch right toes to right side, hold5-6Cross right foot over left and step, step left foot to left side7-8Step right foot back and rock back, recover weight on left footREPEAT