Warm Kisses
Janette Collins (AUS)
Here She Comes - Sammy Kershaw
HEEL/TOE STRUTS FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT1-2Step right heel forward, slap right toe to the floor taking weight3-4Step left heel forward, slap left toe to the floor taking weightREGGAE/BOX STEP5-8Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side, touch left beside rightVINE/VINE LEFT9-12Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right togetherRIGHT FAN TWICE13-14Turn right toe ¼ turn right and replace beside left15-16Turn right toe ¼ turn right and replace beside leftVINE/VINE RIGHT17-20Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left togetherLEFT FAN TWICE21-22Turn left toe ¼ turn left and replace beside right23-24Turn left toe ¼ turn left and replace beside rightSTEP, TOUCH, STEP TOUCH25-26Step forward on right, touch left beside right27-28Step back on left, touch right beside leftTURN ¼ LEFT, TOUCH, STEP, TOUCH29-30Step forward right turning ¼ turn left, touch left together31-32Step left to left side, touch right togetherREPEAT