Walking Away
Raymond Sarlemijn (NL)
Walking Away - Craig David
CROSS FORWARD, CROSS BACKWARDS, CROSS FORWARD, CROSS BACKWARDS, HOLD, TURN ½ OVER LEFT, CHASSE1Left foot cross in front right foot&Right foot step to right2Left foot cross behind right foot&Right foot step to right3Left foot cross forward right foot&Right foot step to right4Left foot cross behind right foot, while doing this hold your right hand in front of your eyes and move the hand to right and take the head also to right5Hold&Turn ¼ over left while doing this put weight on right foot6Turn ¼ over left, while doing this step forward on left foot7Right foot step forward&Left foot close to right foot8Right foot step forward¾ TURN PUSH TURN OVER RIGHT, RONDE, SAILOR ROCK, AND ROCK, ½ TURN1Step forward on left foot&Turn ¼ over right while doing this put weight on right foot2Turn ½ over right and step left foot to left, while doing this make a ronde with right foot3Right foot cross behind left foot&Left foot step to left4Right foot cross front of left foot and make a rock step5Recover on left foot&Right foot step out to right6Left foot cross in front of right foot and make a rock step7Recover weight on right foot&Turn ¼ over left and step forward on left foot8Right foot step forwardSTEP FORWARD, CROSS, TURN ½, HIP SWING, CHASSE1Step forward on left foot&Right foot step forward2Point left foot forward, keep weight on right foot, while doing this keep both hands before eyes3Right foot step forward4Turn ½ over right and step left foot to left5Swing right hip to right6Swing left hip to left7Right foot step to right&Left foot close next to right foot8Right foot step to rightTURN 4/4 OVER RIGHT, BEHIND, FORWARD, TURN ¼, TURN ¼, KICK, CROSS FORWARD, BACKWARDS, UNWIND ¾ TURN1Left foot cross over right foot&Turn 4/4 over right, while doing this put weight on left foot2Left foot step to left3Right foot step backwards left foot&Turn ¼ over left and left foot step forward4Turn ¼ over left, while doing this kickREPEAT