Tyttö Tuollainen (A Girl Like That)
Kirsi-Marja Vinberg (FIN)
Tuollainen Tyttö - Mamba
SHUFFLE STEPS TO SIDE, CROSS ROCK STEP1&2Step right to side, left together, right to side3&4Step left behind and cross the right foot, step right to right, step left behind and cross right5&6Step right to side, left together, right to side7-8Cross rock step: step left across the right, step right in placeSHUFFLE STEPS TO LEFT SIDE, BACK ROCK STEP1&2Step left to side, right together, left to side3&4Step right across the left, step left to left, step right across the left5&6Step left to side, right together, left to side7-8Step right back (5th position), step left in placeROCK STEP/CROSS ROCK STEP, TURNING SHUFFLE ½ RIGHT AND BACK, TURNING SHUFFLE ½ RIGHT, ROCK STEP1-2Step right little across the left foot, step left in place3&4Turn ¼ right and step right to right, step left together, turn ¼ more to right and step right forward(face 6:00)5&6Turn ¼ right and step left to side, right together turn ¼ more to right and step left back(face 12:00)7-8Step right behind the left, step left in place On walls 3 and 6, add the tag and then restart at count 1KICK BALL STEP, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ¼ PIVOT TURN, CROSSING SHUFFLE1&2Kick right forward, step right ball beside left foot, step left forward3&4Step right forward, left together(3rd pos.) Right forward5-6Step left forward and turn ¼ right, step right in place7&8Step left across right, step right to right, step left across right On wall 1, restart from hereTOE STRUTS TO SIDE, SHUFFLE TO SIDE, ROCK STEP1-2Step right ball to side, drop heel down3-4Step left ball across right, drop heel down5&6Step right to side, left together, right to side7-8Step left back, right in placeTOE STRUTS FORWARD, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ½ PIVOT TURN1-2Step left ball forward, drop heel don3-4Step right ball forward, drop heel don5&6Step left forward, right together (3rd position), left forward7-8Step right forward and turn ½ left, step left in placeREPEATTAG After count 24 on walls 3 and 6 SHUFFLE STEPS FORWARD TURNING ½ LEFT, ROCK STEP, SYNCOPATED JUMPS FORWARD, BACK1&2Step right forward and turn ¼ left, step left together and turn ¼ more to left, step right back3&4Shuffle back: left back, right together, left back5-6Step right back, left in place&7&8Jump right forward, left beside right, jump right back, left beside right Restart from the beginning of the danceRESTART Restart after count 32 of wall 1