Two-Two Twain
Michael Seurer (USA)
Man! I Feel Like a Woman! - Shania Twain
MODIFIED SAILOR SHUFFLES1Cross step right behind left&Step on left next to right2Step to the right on right foot3Cross step left behind right&Step on right next to left4Step to the left on left foot5-8Repeat counts 1-4RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGE, SIDE STEPS9Kick right foot forward&Step on right next to left10Change weight to left foot11&12Repeat counts 9&1013Step to the right on right foot14Step left next to right15Step to the right on right foot16Touch left next to right and clap handsLEFT KICK-BALL CHANGE, SIDE STEPS17Kick left foot forward&Step on left next to right18Change weight to right foot19&20Repeat counts 17&1821Step to the left on left foot22Step right foot next to left23Step to the left on left foot24Touch right next to left and clap handsSUGAR FOOT WALKS25Touch right toe to instep of left26Touch right heel to instep of left27Step forward on right foot28Clap hands29Touch left toe to instep of right30Touch left heel to instep of right31Step forward on left foot32Clap hands33-40Repeat counts 25-32DOUBLE KICK, TRIPLE STEP41-42Kick right foot twice43&44Triple step in place (right, left, right)45-46Kick left foot twice47&48Triple step in place (left, right, left)ROCKING CHAIR, ½ TURN TO THE RIGHT49Rock forward on right foot50Step in place on left foot51Rock back on right foot52Step in place on left foot53Rock forward on right foot54Step in place on left foot55Step back on right foot making a ½ turn to the right56Stomp left foot next to right57-64Repeat counts 49-56FORWARD SHUFFLES, MILITARY PIVOT ½ TO THE LEFT, STOMP,STOMP65&66Forward shuffles (right, left, right)67&68Forward shuffles (left, right, left)69Step forward on right foot making a ½ turn to the left70Shift weight to left foot71Stomp right foot72Stomp left footSIDE STRUTS, WITH TOE LEAD, DOUBLE KICK LEFT73Step to the right with toe lead74Step right heel down75Step left next to right with toe lead76Step left heel down77Step to the right with toe lead78Step right heel down79-80Kick left foot twiceSIDE STRUTS, WITH TOE LEAD, DOUBLE KICK RIGHT81Step to the left with toe lead82Step left heel down83Step right next to left with toe lead84Step right heel down85Step to the left with toe lead86Step left heel down87-88Kick right foot twiceREPEAT