Two Stepping Honky Tonk Stomp
Lesley Lawrence
Honky Tonk, Two Steppin' Beer Drinkin' Saturday Night - Joe Moore
1-2Touch right toe to right side, close right foot to left foot3-4Touch left toe to left side, close left foot to right foot5&6Kick right foot forward, step on ball of right foot, change weight to left foot7-8Cross right foot over left foot, unwind making ½ turn left9-16Repeat steps 1-8 but on opposite feet, i.e. Commence on left footRIGHT GRAPEVINE WITH ½ TURN RIGHT AND HITCH, MONTEREY SPIN LEFT17-18Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot19-20Step right foot to right side, chug on right leg, hitch left leg making ½ turn right (slap left thigh with left hand)21-22Touch left foot to left side, pivot ½ urn left on ball of right foot and step left foot beside right foot23-24Touch right toe to right side, step right foot beside left footSTEP, SLIDE, HEEL TWISTS25-26Step left foot diagonally forward, slide right foot to left foot27-28Step left foot diagonally forward, slide right foot to left foot29-32With weight on balls of feet, swivel heels right, left, right leftSIDE STEPS, BACK AND FRONT HOOKS, HEEL DIGS33-34Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot35-36Touch right toe to right side, cross right leg behind left leg37-38Step right foot to right side, cross left leg behind right leg39-40Touch left toe to left side, cross left leg in front of right leg41-42Dig left heel forward, step left foot to right foot43-44Dig right heel forward, step right foot to left footJUMPING JACK TURN45-46Jump both feet apart, jump and cross left foot over right foot47-48Unwind ½ turn right, keeping weight on left footREPEAT