Two Step Flow
Improver two step
Kirsi-Marja Vinberg (FIN)
Ain't Got No Idea - Pirates of the Mississippi
STEPS BACK WITH 2 TURNS LEFT AROUND1-4(SS) Step right back and turn ½ to the left, hold, step left forward and turn ½ to the left, hold5-6(QQ) Step right back and turn ½ to the left, step left forward and turn ½ to the left7-8(S) Step right back, holdCOASTER STEP, 2 WALKS FORWARD1-4(QQS) Step left back, right together, left forward, hold5-8(SS) Step right forward, hold, step left forward, holdWEAVE TO RIGHT WITH TOE STRUTS1-4(QQQQ) Right toe to side, drop the left heel down, step left toe across right, drop the left heel down5-8(QQS) Step right to side, left across right, step right to side, holdCROSS ROCKS TWICE, SAILOR STEP TURNING ¼ LEFT1-4(QQQQ) Step left across right, right in place, step left across right, right in place5-8(QQS) Step left behind right, step right to the side turning ¼ left, left in place, holdJAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT AND WEAVE1-4(SS) Step right across left, hold, step left back, hold5-8(QQS) Turn with the left foot ¼ turn right and step right to the side, step left across right, step right to sideJAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN LEFT AND WEAVE1-4(SS) Step left across right, hold, step right back, hold5-8(QQS) Turn with the right foot ¼ left and step left to side, step right across left, step left to sideRUMBA BOX1-4(QQS) Step right to side, step left together, step right forward, hold5-8(QQS) Step left to side, right together, left back, holdMAMBO STEP, STEPS FORWARD1-4(QQS) Step right back, step left in place, step right forward, hold5-8(QQS) Step left forward, step right forward, step left forward, hold and touch right togetherREPEAT