Two Puffs Of Smoke (P)
Jim Watkins (USA) & Cheryl Watkins (USA)
Salty Dog Blues - The GrooveGrass Boyz
Position: Sweetheart (Partners on same footwork throughout) Adapted from the line dance "Puff of Smoke" choreographed by John H. RobinsonSAILOR SHUFFLE, SAILOR SHUFFLE, WALK, WALK, ROCK STEP1Cross the left foot behind the right&2Step right to right side, step forward on left3Cross the right foot behind the left&4Step left to the left side, step forward on right5-6Walk forward left, right7-8Rock forward on left, recover rightROCK STEP, KICK-BALL-CHANGE, STEP TOUCH, STEP PIVOT1-2Rock back on left, recover right3&4Kick left forward, step on ball of left foot next to right, step right in place5-6Step forward left, touch right beside left7-8Step forward right, pivot ½ turn to the left to face reverse line of dance Handwork: Drop right hands as you pivot and raise left hands. Man will turn under left arms as they both turn to face reverse line of dance. Rejoin right hands in front of man at man's waist returning to sweetheart position with lady to the man's left.RIGHT SHUFFLE, STEP TOUCH, STEP PIVOT, RIGHT SHUFFLE1&2Right shuffle forward3-4Step forward left, touch right beside left5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ turn to the left to face line of dance remaining in sweetheart position (do not drop hands.)7&8Right shuffle forwardLEFT SHUFFLE, RIGHT SHUFFLE, WALK, WALK, STOMP, STOMP1&2Left shuffle forward3&4Right shuffle forward5-6Walk forward left, right7-8Stomp left forward, stomp right beside leftREPEAT