Triple X
Patricia Soran (AUT)
Holiday - Mad'House
CROSS, FULL-TURN (UNWIND-CROSS), ARM-CROSSES, JAZZ-HANDS1Cross right foot over left foot and put left hand on right hip (palm in)2Put right hand on neck3-4Full-turn left: left foot is now crossed over right foot (unwind-cross), weight is on left Right hand: bring right hand in an arc from back head over left face side back to right hip and release Left hand: bring left hand from right to left hip and release5Step right foot to right side and put left hand on right hip6Step left foot in place (feet now shoulder-width apart) and put right hand on left hip (right arm crosses now left arm on belly)7Step right foot in place and release right arm to right hip - palm out, open fingers (jazz-hand)8Step left foot in place and release left arm to left hip (palm out, jazz-hand)SAILOR-STEP-TURN DIAGONALLY, KICK-BALL-CROSS, CROSS-STEPS, STEP-SLIDE-TURN1&2Cross right foot behind left foot; step left ball near right foot; step right foot in front with a 1/8-turn (diagonally to 1:30)3&4Kick left foot; small step backward on left ball; cross right foot over left foot5Cross left foot over right foot6Cross right foot over left foot7Large step backward with left foot (towards 7:30)&Slide right ball near left foot and take weight on right ball8Turn 3/8 right on right ball (to 6:00) and small step forward with left footKICK-CROSS-TAP, SWIVEL, KICK-SIDE-CROSS, SWIVEL1&2Kick right foot; cross right ball over left foot (weight on right ball); tap left ball behind right foot (now standing on both balls)3-4Swivel heels right and back to center Swivels can be done twice (right, center, right, center)5&6Kick right; small step to right side on right ball; cross left ball over right foot (now standing on both balls)7-8Swivel heels left and back to center Swivels can be done twice (left, center, left, center)PADDLE-TURNS, LOCK-SHUFFLE, CROSS-STEP, CROSS-STEP-TAP1Make a ½-turn left on left ball (12:00) and point right toe out to right side2Make a 3/8-turn left on left ball (7:30) and point right toe out to right side3&4Step forward with right foot (diagonally toward 7:30); lock left foot behind right foot; step forward with right foot5Cross left foot over right foot6Large step back with right foot (towards 1:30) and make a 1/8-turn left (6:00)7&8Cross left toe over right foot; step left foot near right foot and take weight; tap right toe near left footREPEAT