The Time Of My Life
Roy Hadisubroto (IRE)
(I've Had) The Time of My Life - Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
ROCK STEP, CROSS SHUFFLE, TICK, SLIDE, 2X TICK, ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2Rock left to left side, recover on right3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right5&6Tick right on toes beside left, step right beside left, step left wide to left side drag right next to left.7&8Tick right on toes 2x beside left, turn both feet ¼ to the right and put weight on rightWALK, WALK, LOCK SHUFFLE, LOCKSTEP, 2X ¼ TURN LEFT1-2Step left forward, step right forward3&4Step left forward, cross right behind, step left forward5-6Step right forward, cross left behind right ended 6th position (weight on both feet)7Turn both feet ¼ to the left (both feet still in cross position)8Turn both feet ¼ to the left ended on 1st position (at the end put weight on right) Do the turning 7 and 8 while standing on the ball of the feet3X CROSS TRAVELING FORWARD, TOUCH, KICK, 3X CROSS TRAVELING FORWARD, TOUCH, KICK1-2Cross left over right, cross right over left3&4Cross left over right, touch right beside left, kick right diagonally to right side5-6Cross right over left, cross left over right7&8Cross right over left, touch left beside right, kick left diagonally to left sideCROSS, BACK, STEP, CROSS, BACK, STEP, POP KNEE, TOUCH, HIP ROLLS1&2Cross left over right, step right behind left, step left to the left side3&4Cross right over left, step left behind right, step right to the right side5-6Pop left knee (2nd position, weight on right), (put left heel down) touch right next to left7&8(Put right heel down) roll the hips from the left, through the back to the right (to the left) Feet on 1st position. At the beginning of the hip rolls, the weight is on left, at the end the weight should be on rightREPEATTAG The 11th wall should be done without the last 4 counts (pop knee, touch and the hip rolls)