Three Minute Positive 47 Count Up-Tempo Line Dance
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
Three Minute Positive Not Too Country Up-Tempo Love Song - Alan Jackson
Listen to the music first and you will know exactly when to dance the Slow Tempo and Up-Tempo Sections. The Slow Tempo Section is only danced three times during the instantly identifiable slow tempo sections of the song. Immediately after the first Slow Tempo Section has been danced, dance only counts 1-16 of the following Up-Tempo Section, then continue dancing all sections fully until the end of the dancePART A (UP-TEMPO SECTION) KICK, STEP, CROSS, HITCH, POINT, TOUCH, POINT, ¼ TURN WITH HOOK1-2Kick right forward, step right beside left3-4Step left across right, hitch right knee5-6Point right to right, touch right beside left7-8Point right to right, on ball of left make ¼ turn right and hook right across leftSTEP, CLOSE, STEP, SCUFF, STEP, ½ TURN, ¼ TURN, HOLD9-10Step right forward, step left beside right11-12Step right forward, scuff left forward13-14Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight ends on right)15-16On ball of right make ¼ turn right and step left to left, holdBEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, HOLD, KICK, STEP, ¼ TURN, SCUFF17-18Step right behind left, step left to left19-20Step right across left, hold21-22Kick left diagonally forward left (angle body left), step left beside right23-24On ball of left make ¼ turn right and step right forward, scuff left forwardROCK FORWARD, ROCK BACK, STEP, TOGETHER, HEELS OUT, HEELS IN25-26Rock forward on left, recover back on right27-28Rock back on left, recover forward on right29-30Step left forward, step right beside left31-32On balls of both feet split heels out, return heels to centerPART B (SLOW TEMPO SECTION) STEP, KICK, STEP, TOUCH, STEP, KICK, STEP, TOUCH1-2Step right diagonally forward right, kick left forward and across right3-4Step left diagonally back left, touch right back and behind left5-8Repeat counts 1-4 aboveSIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK, SIDE SHUFFLE, TOUCH9&10Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right11-12Rock left behind right, recover on right13&14Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left15Touch right beside left