Theme For Bratz
Beginner straight rhythm
William Sevone (UK)
Ooooh Fashion - Bratz
FORWARD, RECOVER,2X BEND 'N' KICK, BACKWARD, RECOVER (12:00)1-2Step forward onto right, recover onto left3-4(Stepping right next to left) bend knees, straightening up, kick left instep diagonal right5-6(Stepping left next to right) bend knees, straightening up, kick right instep diagonal left Counts 3-6 are moving slightly backward7-8Step backward onto right, recover onto left Use arms on counts 3-6 to add 'flavour'FORWARD, ½ PIVOT, DIAGONAL SIDE-HITCH TURN-BACKWARD-HITCH TURN-BACKWARD, ¼ LEFT, TOUCH (3:00)9-10Step forward onto right, pivot ½ left (weight on left)11Bending slightly at knees, step right to right side (body turned to 10:30)12Hitch left knee, straightening up, turn to face 1:30 (knee still raised)13Bending slightly at knees, step slightly backward onto left (body still facing 1:30)14Hitch right knee, straightening up, turn to face 10:30 (knee still raised)15Bending slightly at knees, step slightly backward onto right (body still facing 10:30)16Turning ¼ left (to face 9:00), touch left toe next to right Use arms on counts 12-15 to add 'flavour'HITCH ¼ LEFT, FORWARD, 6X FORWARD 'SASSIES' (12:00)17-18Hitch left knee & turn ¼ left, step slightly forward onto left The following 6 forward steps are short with the knees and toes turned slightly inward, 'sassy' style19-24Step forward: right, left, right, left, right, left,3X HITCH 'N' SWEEP-TOGETHER, HITCH 'N' SWEEP ¼ LEFT, TOGETHER (9:00)25-26Hitching right knee, sweep (knee) diagonally right, step together27-28Hitching left knee, sweep (knee) diagonally left, step together29-30Hitching right knee, sweep (knee) diagonally right, step together On balls of feet, turn body with sweeps31-32Hitching left knee, sweep (knee) ¼ left, step together Use arms on counts 25-32 to add 'flavour'REPEAT