10 O'clock Rock
Alan Birchall (UK)
Don't Let Go - Hal Ketchum
KICK, KICK, ¼ SAILOR TURN RIGHT, STEP LOCKS FORWARD1&Kick right foot forward across left leg, swing right by left2&Kick right to right diagonal, swing right by left3&4Cross right behind left making a ¼ turn to right, step left in place, step right by left (facing 3:00)5&6Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left7&8Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right Option: lock steps can be replaced with shufflesKICK, KICK, ½ SAILOR TURN LEFT, STEP LOCK FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD MAMBO9&Kick left foot forward across right leg, swing left by right10&Kick left to left diagonal, swing left by right11&12Cross left behind right making a ½ turn to left, step right in place, step left by right (facing 9:00)13&14Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right15&16Rock forward on left, recover on right, step left by right Option: lock step can be replaced with shufflesRIGHT & LEFT SWIVETS, VINE RIGHT, TRAVELING DWIGHTS TO LEFT17&On ball of left and heel of right pivot right, return to place18&On ball of right and heel of left pivot left, return to place19&Step right to right, cross left behind right20Step right to right21Pivot right heel to left, touch left toe by right&Pivot right toe to left, touch left heel by right22Pivot right heel to left, touch left toe by right&Pivot right toe to left, touch left heel by right23Pivot right heel to left, touch left toe by right&Pivot right toe to left, touch left heel by right24Pivot right heel to left, touch left toe by right Alternative to traveling Dwights - traveling toe heel swivelsLEFT & RIGHT ROCK & CROSS, LEFT COASTER STEP, STEP25&26Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right27&28Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left29&30Step back on left, step right by left, step forward on left31-32Step forward on right, step forward on left This section goes with the style of the music ¼ PIVOT, POINT, HOLD, TOE SWITCHES, HOLD, 'TWIST' ¼ TURN LEFT33-34Making ¼ turn to left point right to right, hold (no music - weight on left & facing 6:00)35&Step right by left, point left toe to left36&Step left by right, point right toe to right37Hold (no music)&38&On balls of both feet twist heels right left while turning ¼ turn left39&40&On balls of both feet twist heels right & left while turning ¼ turn left and bring left foot beside right & transferring weight to right foot (facing 9:00)POINT, HOLD, TOE SWITCHES, HOLD, 'TWIST' ¼ TURN LEFT41-42Point left toe to left, hold (no music)43&Step left by right, point right toe to right44&Step right by left, point left toe to left45Hold (no music)&46&On balls of both feet twist heels right & left while turning ¼ turn left47&48&On balls of both feet twist heels right & left while turning ¼ turn left and bring left foot beside right (facing 12:00 - home wall)HOLD, JUMP APART, JUMP ACROSS TWICE, UNWIND, HOLD49Hold50-51Jump both feet apart, jump both feet together with feet crossed (left over right)52-53Jump both feet apart, jump both feet together with feet crossed (right over left) Alternative to jumps50-53Point left to left, step left by right, point right to right, cross right over left54Hold55-56Unwind ½ turn left, hold (no music, facing 6:00)CHARLESTONS57-58Touch right toe forward, step back on right59-60Touch left toe back, step forward on left61-62Touch right toe forward, step back on right63-64Touch left toe back, step forward on leftREPEAT When dancing to the Hal Ketchum version, do the following extrasTAG This is danced twice - both times you will be facing 9:00. The music has an obvious change in the instrumental break. The first time you will be on the third wall and will have completed steps 27&28 (rock & cross). The second time you will be one the fifth wall and will have completed steps 23& 24 (traveling Dwights)STEP, SLIDE, HIP BUMPS, ¼ TURN LOCK STEP, LOCK STEP1-2Big step to left on left, slide right to meet left (no weight)&3&4&Bump hips right and left while moving up & down5&6Step right to right making ¼ turn right, lock left behind right, step right to right (facing 12:00)7&8Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on leftSTEP ½ PIVOT, FULL TURN, CHARLESTON STEP9-10Step forward on right, make ½ pivot left (facing 6:00)11-12Make ½ pivot left while stepping forward on right, make ½ pivot left while stepping back on left Facing 6:00. Alternative: walk forward left, right13-14Touch right toe forward, step back on right15-16Touch left toe back, step forward on leftENDING: You will have completed the first 8 counts and be facing 9:00. To finish facing the front wall, take a large step forward on left while making a ¼ turn right, sliding right slightly up to left. You will end with your feet apart, arms 'splayed' down out to sides in line with your legs When dancing to the Chris Owen version, do the following extras RESTARTS There are two restarts in this version and both appear in the instrumental section used for wall three1ST RESTART You will be facing 9:00 and will have danced the dance right through to step 32. At this point start the dance from the beginning. The instrumental section changes here to a more 'rockier' feel2ND RESTART You will be facing 6:00 and will have danced the dance through to step 25&26 (rock left, recover, cross). Replace steps 27&28 with a right kick ball change (kick right forward, step right in place, step left in place) then start the dance from the beginningENDING You will be on 5th repetition of the dance and will have completed steps 53&54 facing 12:00. Simply replace steps 55-56 with a full turn so you are back facing 12:00. Complete the dance to step 64 then add a diagonal kick with the right across left splaying arms upward sweeping right round beside left.