Syncopated Rhythm
Rob Fowler (ES) & Michelle Fowler (UK)
Syncopated Rhythm - Scooch
KICK-ROCK-ROCK, SYNCOPATED VINE, TWO PIVOT TURNS (TWICE)1&2Kick right foot forward, rock right foot out to right side, step left foot to left side3&4Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left5-6Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the right7-8Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the right1&2Kick left foot forward, rock left foot out to left side, step right foot to right side3&4Cross left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross left foot in front of right5-6Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the left7-8Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the leftROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLING TURN, KICK & HEEL & TOE & TOE1-2Rock right foot forward, rock weight back onto left foot3&4Turn ½ turn (optional 1 ½ turns) to the right doing a triple step in place (right, left, right)5&Kick left foot forward, step back on left foot6&Touch right heel forward, step right foot in place7&Touch left toe next to right, step left foot in place8Touch right toe next to left, making a ¼ turn to the rightSTEP, SLIDE, STOMP, STOMP, HEEL JACKS1-3Step right foot big step to the right, slide left foot up to right (2 counts)&4Stomp left foot in place twice next to right (keep weight on right foot)&5Step diagonally back on left foot, touch right heel forward to right diagonal&6Step right foot back to place, step left foot next to right&7Step diagonally back on right foot, touch left heel forward to left diagonal&8Step left foot back to place, touch right toe next to leftSHUFFLE WITH QUICK TURNS1&2Right shuffle forward (right, left, right)3&4Make ½ turn to the left doing a left shuffle forward (left right, left)5&6Make ¼ turn to the right doing a right shuffle forward (right, left, right)7&8Make ½ turn to the left doing a left shuffle forward (left right, left) You should now be facing the home wall (12:00)TURNING JAZZ BOX, STEP, CLICK, HOLD, TURN RIGHT, CLICK, HOLD1-2Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot3-4Step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn to the right, step left foot next to right5Step right foot to right side, clicking fingers at head height6Hold7Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot stepping left foot to left side, clicking fingers at waist level8HoldTWO LEFT TURNS, TWO RIGHT TURNS1Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of right foot stepping left foot to left side, clicking fingers at head height2Hold3Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot stepping right foot to right side, clicking fingers at waist level4Hold5Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot stepping right foot to right side, clicking fingers at head height6Hold7Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot stepping left foot to left side, clicking fingers at waist level8HoldTWO JAZZ BOXES, JUMPS1Cross right in front of left2Step back on left foot3Step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn4Step left foot next to right5Cross right foot in front of left6Step back on left foot7Step right foot to right side making a ¼ turn&Small jump forward with feet together8Small jump forward with feet togetherREPEAT Option: the last 2 beats (&8), the two jumps forward could be done without the jump by stepping left foot forward (&) and then touching right toe next to left, ready to start again with left foot.