Janet Mutlow
Switzerland - Piero Esteriore
Start the dance on the second singing of "Wenn I Liebe"COASTER CROSS RIGHT AND LEFT1-2-3Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left4Hold5-6-7Cross left over right, step right to right, cross left over right8HoldRIGHT SHUFFLE FORWARD, LOCK STEP BACK1-2-3Step forward on right, step left by right, step forward on right4Touch left behind right5-6-7Step back on left, lock right in front of left, step back on left8Touch right in front of leftSTAR1-2-3-4Step forward right on diagonal, touch left behind right; step back left on diagonal, touch right in front of left5-6-7-8Step back right on diagonal, touch left in front of right; step forward left on diagonal, touch right behind leftHEEL, TOE SWIVELS; CLAP1-2-3Swivel heels to right, swivel toes to right, swivel heels to right4Hold and clap hands5-6-7Swivel heels to left, swivel toes to left, swivel heels to left8Hold and clap handsSLOW HEEL SWITCHES1-2Touch right heel forward as you raise right arm, step right by left3-4Touch left heel forward as you raise left arm, step left by right5-6Touch right heel forward as you raise right arm, step right by left7-8Touch left heel forward as you raise left arm, step left by rightFAST JAZZ BOX FORWARD, JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2-3Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side4Close left beside right5-6-7Cross right over left turning ¼ right, step back on left, step right to right side8Close left beside rightREPEAT Note: maintain the same beat throughout even where the music appears to slow (i.e. On the piano on the 4th and 5th wall at beats 161-193 and the vocal counting on the 7th wall on beats 281-313)