Switcharoo (P)
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Mad Love - Rick Tippe
Position: Right Open Promenade, holding inside hands (man's right and lady's left) partners on opposite footwork, man's steps listedSYNCOPATED DIAGONAL STEP-SLIDE-STEPS, ¾ ROLLING TURN, COASTER STEP1&2Step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot; slide right foot up and behind left foot and step; step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot3&4Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot; slide left foot up and behind right foot and step; step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot Release inside hands (man's right and lady's left)5-6Step a ¼ turn to the left on left foot; pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot and step right foot next to left Partners now facing each other. Man faces OLOD lady faces ILOD7&8Step back on left foot; step back on right foot; step forward on left footWALK FORWARD, PIVOT (PARTNERS SWITCH SIDES), TRIPLE STEP, SLIDE STEPS BACK9-10Step forward on right foot; step forward on left foot Man takes up lady's left hand in his left as partners begin to pass each other, lady to the left of man. Left shoulder to left shoulder&Raise left hand and pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot Lady turns under upraised joined hands. Partners have now switched sides. Man faces ILOD and lady faces OLOD11&12Triple step in place (right, left, right) release left hands During counts 13-16, place arms next to your side, bent at elbows into the shape of an " left" hands bent upward at wrist with palms facing outward13-14While bent slightly forward at waist and with knees slightly bent, slide back on left foot pulling left arm back and pushing right arm forward; slide back on right foot pulling right arm back and pushing left arm forward15-16Repeat steps 13-14SYNCOPATED HEEL SWITCHES, HOLD, SYNCOPATED HEEL SWITCHES, DOUBLE KICK17&18Touch left heel forward; step left foot next to right; touch right heel forward&19-20Step right foot next to left; touch left heel forward; hold and clap hands&21&22Step left foot next to right; touch right heel forward; step right foot next to left; touch left heel forward&23-24Step left foot next to right; kick right foot forward twiceFORWARD SHUFFLE, ¾ ROLLING TURN, COASTER STEP, WALK FORWARD25&26Shuffle forward (right, left, right)27-28Step a ¼ turn to the left on left foot; pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot and step right foot next to left man takes up lady's right hand in his left. Partners in the left open promenade position, holding inside hands29&30Step back on left foot; step back on right foot; step forward on left foot31-32Step forward on right foot; step forward on left footSYNCOPATED DIAGONAL STEP-SLIDE-STEPS, ¾ ROLLING TURN, COASTER STEP33&34Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot; slide left foot up and behind right foot and step; step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot35&36Step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot; slide right foot up and behind left foot and step; step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot Release inside hands (lady's right and man's left)37-38Step a ¼ turn to the right on right foot; pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot and step left foot next to right Partners now facing each other. Lady faces OLOD man faces ILOD39&40Step back on right foot; step back on left foot; step forward on right footWALK FORWARD, PIVOT (PARTNERS SWITCH SIDES), TRIPLE STEP, SLIDE STEPS BACK41-42Step forward on left foot; step forward on right foot Lady takes up man's left hand in her left as partners begin to pass each other, man to the left of lady. Left shoulder to left shoulder&Raise left hand and pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot Man turns under upraised joined hands. Partner have now switched sides. Lady faces ILOD and man faces OLOD43&44Triple step in place (left, right, left)release left hands During counts 45-48, place arms next to your side, bent at elbows into the shape of an"left" hands bent upward at wrist with palms facing outward45-46While bent slightly forward at waist and with knees slightly bent, slide back on right foot pulling right arm back and pushing left arm forward; slide back on left foot pulling left arm back and pushing right arm forward47-48Repeat steps 45 -46SYNCOPATED HEEL SWITCHES, HOLD, SYNCOPATED HEEL SWITCHES, DOUBLE KICK49&50Touch right heel forward; step right foot next to left; touch left heel forward&51-52Step left foot next to right; touch right heel forward; hold and clap hands&53&54Step right foot next to left; touch left heel forward; step left foot next to right; touch right heel forward&55-56Step right foot next to left; kick left foot forward twiceFORWARD SHUFFLE, ¾ ROLLING TURN, COASTER STEP, WALK FORWARD57&58Shuffle forward (left, right, left)59-60Step a ¼ turn to the right on right foot; pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot and step left foot next to right Lady takes up man's right hand in her left. Partners in the right open promenade position, holding inside hands61&62Step back on right foot; step back on left foot; step forward on right foot63-64Step forward on left foot; step forward on right footREPEAT