Swing City
Nancy Morgan (USA)
Swing City - Roger Brown & Swing City
GRIND HEEL ½ TURN, DROP TOE, VINE LEFT, SLIDE STOMP, SLIDE STOMP, REPEAT1-2Grind right heel ½ turn, drop left toe3-4-5Vine left - step forward on left, put right behind left, step left to left side as you slide right foot back and up6-7-8Stomp right next to left, slide right foot back and up, stomp right next to left1-8Repeat steps 1 through 8VINE RIGHT, HITCH, VINE LEFT, HITCH1-4Step forward on right, step left behind right, step right to right side, bring left knee up as you hop on right (hitch)5-8Step forward on left, step right behind left, step left to left side, bring right knee up as you hop on left (hitch)STEP, SLIDE, STEP, BRUSH, SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE1-4Step right foot forward, slide left behind right, step forward on right, brush left5&6-7&8Shuffle right forward - left, right, left, shuffle left forward - right, left, rightVINE LEFT, STOMP, MONTEREY TURN, REPEAT1-4Step forward on left, step right behind left, step left to left side, stomp right next to left (keep weight on left)5-8Put right out to right side, turning ½ turn to right, put right next to left, put left out to left side, put left next to right1-8Repeat steps 1 through 8HOP FORWARD FOR 3 COUNTS, CLAP, HOP BACK FOR 3 COUNTS, CLAP1-4Hop forward left, right (shoulder width apart) for 3 counts, clap on 45-8Hop back left, right (shoulder width apart) for 3 counts, clap on 4HOP FORWARD FOR 2 COUNTS, HOP BACK FOR 2 COUNTS, STOMP FORWARD, STEP BACK1-4Hop forward left, right (shoulder width apart) for 2 counts, hop back left, right (shoulder width apart) for 2 counts5-8Stomp right forward, stomp left forward, step back on right, step back on leftSTOMP FORWARD, CLAP, ½ TURN, CLAP, STOMP FORWARD, CLAP, ½ TURN, CLAP1-4Stomp right foot forward (lean into it), clap, turn ½ turn to left (stand up), clap5-8Stomp right foot forward (lean into it), clap, turn ½ turn to left (stand up), clapSTOMP FORWARD 2, STEP, HITCH, STEP, HITCH, STEP, HITCH1-4Stomp right next to left, stomp left next to right, step forward on right, hitch left5-8Step forward on left, hitch right, step forward on right, hitch leftTWIST FORWARD FOR 4 COUNTS, TWIST BACK FOR 4 COUNTS1-4Set left foot down as you twist forward for 4 counts5-8Start twisting back for 4 counts ending weight on right with left toe coming off floorSTEP, SLIDE, STEP, BRUSH, ¼ TURN JAZZ BOX SQUARE1-4Pick left foot up and set left foot forward, slide right next to left, step left foot forward, brush right5-8Cross right over left as you turn ¼ turn to your right, step back on left, right to right side, stomp left next to rightREPEAT