Sweet Smile
Tim Gauci (AUS)
Sweet Sweet Smile - Sharon B
VINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN, STEP LOCK LEFT, SCUFF1-2-3-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right turning ¼ to right, scuff left5-6-7-8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, scuff rightVINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN, STEP LOCK LEFT, SCUFF1-2-3-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right turning ¼ to right, scuff left5-6-7-8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, scuff rightSTEP PIVOT ½, TOE STRUT, ½ TURN TOE STRUT, ¼ TURN TOE STRUT1-2-3-4Step right forward, pivot ½ to left, touch right toe forward, drop right heel to floor & clap5-6-7-8(Traveling forward) making ½ turn to right step left toe back, drop left heel to floor & clap, turning ¼ to right touch right toe to right side, drop right heel to floor & clapFORWARD ROCK, BACK, TOUCH, BACK, TOUCH, BACK, TOUCH1-2-3-4Step left forward, replace weight back onto right, step left back 45 degrees left, touch right next to left & clap5-6-7-8Step right back 45 degrees right, touch left next to left & clap, step left back 45 degrees left, touch right next to left & clapREPEAT