William Sevone (UK)
Sun Arise - Rolf Harris
This dance is done at half speed2X CROSS-ROCK-ROCK, CROSS STEP, ½ RIGHT, FORWARD SHUFFLE1&2(On the spot) cross rock left foot over right, rock onto right foot, rock onto left foot3&4(On the spot) cross rock right foot over left, rock onto left foot, rock onto right foot5-6Cross step left foot over right, unwind ½ right (weight on left foot)7&8Step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right footFORWARD SHUFFLE, ROCK FORWARD, ROCK, 3X ½ RIGHT TURNS WITH EXPRESSION, STOMP FORWARD WITH EXPRESSION9&10Step forward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot11-12Rock forward onto right foot, rock onto left foot13-14Turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot, turn ½ right & step backward onto left foot15Turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot On counts 13-15: arms outstretched with palms up - bend at elbows if space is tight16Stomp left foot forward With downward forward punch with left hand from head to chest height8X FORWARD STOMP WITH EXPRESSION17Stomp right foot forward With downward forward punch with right hand from head to chest height18Stomp left foot forward With downward forward punch with left hand from head to chest height19Stomp right foot forward Right arm forward shaking hand and fingers (palm down) & moving left to right20Stomp left foot forward Left arm forward shaking hand and fingers (palm down) & moving right to left21Stomp right foot forward Right arm raised to side of head - as in a throwing action22Stomp left foot forward Left arm raised to side of head - as in a throwing action23Stomp right foot forward Swinging right arm in an arc from left to right24Stomp left foot forward Swinging left arm in an arc from right to left On counts 16-24: the forward stomps are shortSTEP FORWARD, PIVOT ½ LEFT, STEP FORWARD, PIVOT ¼ LEFT, STOMP TOGETHER, SIDE STOMP, SWAY LEFT, SWAY RIGHT25-26Step forward onto right foot, pivot ½ left (weight on left foot)27-28Step forward onto right foot, pivot ¼ left (weight on right foot)29-30Stomp left foot next to right, stomp right foot to right side31-32Sway onto left foot, sway onto right footCROSS STEP, SIDE STEP, ¼ LEFT STEP BACKWARD, TOGETHER33-34Cross step left foot over right, step right foot to right side35-36Turn ¼ left & rock backward onto left foot, step right foot next to leftREPEATDANCE FINISH The dance will finish on count 36 of the 7th vanilla, to add a little flourish to the end, add 'arms to the outside - palms upward' to count 36