Stay Or Go
Intermediate west coast swing
John Dembiec (USA)
Walk Away - Kelly Clarkson
WALK BACK, STEP OUT & BACK, STEP, ¼ HITCH, CROSS STEPS1-2&Step left back, step right back, step left back and out to left3-4Step right back and out right, step left back to center5-6Step right forward, hitch left knee up making ¼ turn right7&8Step left over right, step right to right, step left over right¼ FLICK, STEP, 2 ½ PIVOTS, COASTER, STEP, HITCH1-2Making ¼ turn left flick right foot back, step right forward3-4Pivot ½ turn to left, pivoting on left turn ½ turn left stepping back on right5&6Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward7-8Step right forward, hitch left knee up (getting ready to move back)STEP BACK, 2 ¼ SWIVELS, ¾ TRIPLE, CROSS STEPS, LEG LIFT1-2Step left back, swivel ¼ turn to left3-4&Swivel ¼ turn right, make ¼ turn right step left forward, ¼ turn right step right forward5-6&Making ¼ turn right step left to left, step right over left, step left to left7-8Step right over left, lift left leg up to the leftJAZZ BOX, STEP, LEG LIFT, JAZZ BOX, STEP, TOUCH1&2Step left over right, step right back, step left to left3-4Step right next to left, lift left leg up to the left5&6Step left over right, step right back, step left to left7-8Step right forward, touch left next to rightREPEATRESTART After the first and second chorus (walls 4&7), dance the first 16 counts then restart at the beginning