Start Talking
Lori Pung (USA)
When Love Starts Talkin' - Wynonna
HEEL TOUCHES1-4Heel touches forward, starting with the right heel forward, right foot home, left heel forward, left foot home5-8RepeatSTEP, SLIDE/LOCK, STEP, TAP9-12Starting with the right foot, step, slide lock with left behind right, step right foot forward, tap left foot next to right foot13-16Starting with left foot, step, slide lock with right behind left, step left foot forward, tap right foot next to left footGRAPEVINES17-20Grapevine to the right21-24Grapevine to the left with a ½ turnSTEP, SLIDE/LOCK, STEP, TAP25-28Starting with the right foot, step, slide lock with left behind right, step right foot forward, tap left foot next to right foot29-32Starting with left foot, step, slide lock with right behind left, step left foot forward, tap right foot next to left footSTEP, ½ TURN, STOMPS, SYNCOPATED TOE POINTS WITH A ¼ TURN33-34Step forward with right foot, ½ turn over left shoulder35-36Stomp two times with right foot37&38Right toe tap forward, right step home, left toe tap forward&39Left step home, right toe tap side right&40Bring right foot in tapping toe about 6" right of left foot, pivot ¼ right on ball of left tapping right toe next to leftREPEAT