Start Talkin'
Elizabeth Whittaker
When Love Starts Talkin' - Wynonna
1-4Step right to side, hold, step left behind right and hold (shimmy shoulders forward on all beats)5-8Step right to side, hold, cross left over right and hold (shimmy shoulders forward on all beats)9-10Touch right next to left, small kick to right with right foot11&12Step right behind left, touch left next to right, step right forward13-16Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, step left forward, pivot ½ turn right 17-20Step left to side, hold, step right behind left and hold (shimmy shoulders forward on all beats)21-24Step left to side, hold, cross right over left and hold (shimmy shoulders forward on all beats)25-26Touch left next to right, small kick to left with left foot27&28Step left behind right, touch right next to left, step left forward29-32Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left 33-36Tap right toe behind left twice, tap right toe to right side twice, (right knee slightly turned in)37-40Tap right heel at 45 degrees right twice, cross right toe over left, drop heel41-44Tap left toe behind right twice, tap left toe to left side twice (left knee slightly turned in)45-48Tap left heel at 45 degrees left twice, cross left toe over right, drop heel 49-52Step right, 2 hip bumps, together and hold with clap53-56Step left, 2 hip bumps, together and hold with clap57-60Turning slightly left, step right 45, 2 hip bumps, together facing front and hold with clap61-64Turning slightly right, step left 45, 2 hip bumps, together facing front and hold with clap 65-66Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left67&68Scuff right, hitch right, small jump on both feet forward69-722 heel splits73-76Step left forward, step right to left, step left forward, scuff right forward77-80Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, place left to right, clap 81-84Vine right, touch left next to right85-88Step to left, turning full turn left, touch right next to left89-92Touch right next to left, small kick with right foot to right side, right toe behind left, pivot ½ turn right to unwind93-962 heel splits 97-100Step right 2 hip bumps right, together and hold with clap101-104Step left 2 hip bumps left, together and hold with clap105-108Turning slightly left, step right 45,2 hip bumps, together facing front and hold with clap109-112Turning slightly right, step left 45,2 hip bumps, together facing front and hold with clapREPEAT