Spinning Wheel (P)
Karen Kirk & Peter
We Really Shouldn't Be Doing This - George Strait
Position: Sweetheart PositionSTEP LOCK, SHUFFLE ½ PIVOT, ½ PIVOT1-2Step forward left lock, right behind left3&4Step forward left bring right to left, step forward left Release right hands & raise left5-6Step forward right, man goes under left hands making a ½ turn left7-8Step forward right making a half turn left, lady goes under, left arms Rejoin hands back in sweetheartROCK STEP, COASTER STEP, ½ PIVOT, ½ TURN SHUFFLE1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left3&4Step back right, step left beside right, step forward on right5-6Step forward left and make a half turn right7&8(Drop left hands and raise right) make a half turn right on a left shuffle Man going under arms back into sweetheartROCK STEP, SHUFFLE, LADY'S VINE, MAN WEAVE1-2Rock back on right step on left3&4Step forward right, bring left to right, step forward on right5-8MAN: Cross left over right, step right, step left behind right, point right toe back LADY: Step left to left, step right behind left, step left, point right toe backSHUFFLE TURNS1&2Step forward on right, bring left to right, step forward on right3&4Step forward on left bring right to left, step forward on left5-8MAN: (Raise left hands) step on right to make a ¼ turn left, going under left hands make ¼ left on left (raise right hands) going under right hands, step onto right making another ¼ turn left, another ¼ turn left touching left besides right LADY: (Raise left hands) step ¼ turn right on right, left hands go over head step ¼ turn right on left, hands go over man's head (raise right hands) step a ¼ turn on right, right, hands over man's head, another ¼ turn right scuffing left beside right back into sweetheartWINDMILL TURN1&2Drop left hands, ¼ mm left doing a left shuffle at the same time raise right hands over lady's head3&4Rejoin hands doing another ¼ turn left doing right shuffle5&6Drop right hands raise left make ¼ turn left doing a left shuffle at the same time as left hands go over the lady's head7&8Rejoin hands make ¼ turn left doing a right shuffle back into sweetheartROCK STEP, COASTER STEP JAZZ BOX WITH A JUMP1-2Rock forward on left back on right3&4Step back on left, step right besides left, step forward on left5-7Cross right over left, step back on left, step right on right&8Step left besides right, step on rightREPEAT