William Sevone (UK)
Someday - Delaney & Bonnie
Sequence: AAAA, A to count 14, B (1-16), A to count 24, B to count 8, continue A(1-24), B(1-8) sequence to end of dance. Section B to count 8 starts on the left foot and moves around to the left.SECTION A BACKWARD DIAGONAL SWAGGERS WITH EXPRESSION, FORWARD SHUFFLE, FORWARD DIAGONAL SWAGGERS WITH EXPRESSION1-2Step backward diagonal right onto right toe & dip right shoulder, step backward diagonal left onto left toe & dip left shoulder3-4Step backward diagonal right onto right toe & dip right shoulder, step backward diagonal left onto left toe & dip left shoulder5&6Step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot7-8Step forward diagonal left onto left toe & dip left shoulder, step forward diagonal right onto right toes & dip right shoulderBEHIND, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, ½ RIGHT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, FORWARD ROCK, RECOVER9-10Cross step left foot behind right, rock right foot to right side11-12Recover onto left foot, turn ½ right & step right foot next to left13&14Step forward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot,15-16Rock forward onto right foot, recover onto left foot¼ RIGHT-Forward Step, Rock Forward, Recover, ½ LEFT-Forward Step, Rock FORWARD, ¼ LEFT-BACKWARD STEP, FORWARD SHUFFLE17-18Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right foot, rock forward onto left foot19-20Recover onto right foot, turn ½ left & step forward onto left foot21-22Rock forward onto right foot, turn ¼ left & step backward onto left foot23&24Step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right footROCKS FORWARD-BACKWARD, BACKWARD DIAGONAL SWAGGERS WITH EXPRESSION, BACKWARD SHUFFLE, ¼ RIGHT-FORWARD STEP, FORWARD ROCK25-26Rock forward onto left foot, rock backward onto right foot27-28Step backward diagonal left onto left toe & dip left shoulder, step backward diagonal right onto right toe & dip right shoulder29&30Step backwards onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step backward onto left foot31-32Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right foot, rock forward onto left footSECTION B (BRIDGE) On the 5th wall after count 14 there is a very distinctive change to the rhythm and beat of the music (from 98 to 150 bpm). After completing count 14, dance the following: HEEL TOUCH RETURNS WITH EXPRESSION1-2(Turning 45 degrees right) touch right heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step right foot next to right3-4(Turning 45 degrees right) touch left heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step left foot next to right5-6(Turning 45 degrees right) touch right heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step right foot next to right7-8(Turning 45 degrees right) touch left heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step left foot next to right9-10(Turning 45 degrees right) touch right heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step right foot next to right11-12(Turning 45 degrees right) touch left heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step left foot next to right13-14(Turning 45 degrees right) touch right heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step right foot next to right15-16(Turning 45 degrees right) touch left heel forward & raise arms clicking fingers, step left foot next to right Style note: the arms are raised in a forward motion to the sides of the head, then the finger clicks