So Cooool
William Sevone (UK)
Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress - The Hollies
Warning: Avoid 'Electronically enhanced' versions of this track. Stereo versions are not bad. Mono versions are best. This song was recorded in the Hollies 'Creedence Clearwater Revival/Sweet/Led Zeppelin' period of 1972-1975, but whatever the period you cannot mistake the distinctive vocals of Allan Clarke. The musical phrasing goes a little 'off' during and just after the instrumental break, but by staying with the 36 count it works out fine.OPTIONAL INTRO 4X FORWARD TOE/DOUBLE HEEL TAP STRUTS, HIP GRIND/SWAY, ½ LEFT The first 16 counts of the intro coincide with the guitar riff (after the 2nd set of the two drum bangs)1-3Step forward onto right toe, tap right heel to floor, tap right heel to floor4-6Step forward onto left toe, tap left heel to floor, tap left heel to floor7-9Step forward onto right toe, tap right heel to floor, tap right heel to floor10-12Step forward onto left toe, tap left heel to floor, tap left heel to floor13-15Step right foot to right side & grind or sway hips to right, hips to left, hips to center On counts 13-15, hip rotation is done in a 'figure of 8'16Turn ½ left & step left foot next to right4X FORWARD TOE/DOUBLE HEEL TAP STRUTS, HIP GRIND/SWAY, ½ LEFT The second 16 counts coincide with the guitar riff and steady drum beat17-32Repeat counts 1-16 On all struts angle upper body slightly inwardTHE DANCE 2X BACKWARD SHUFFLES-BACKWARD TOE TAPS1&2Step backward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step backward onto right foot3-4Tap left toe backward, repeat5&6Step backward onto left foot, close right foot next to left, step backward onto left foot7-8Tap right toe backward, repeatSIDE TOE TAP, CROSS TOE TAP, ¾ LEFT WITH TOE TAPS, HEEL/FOOT SWITCH, ¼ LEFT WITH CHASSE RIGHT9-10Tap right toe to right side, cross tap right toe over left (keep weight on right toe)11&12Pivot ¾ left & drop right heel to floor, (heel on floor) tap left toe to floor, (heel on floor) tap left toe to floor&13Step left foot next to right, touch right heel forward&14Step right foot next to left, step left foot forward15&16Turn ¼ left & step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side¼ LEFT WITH BACKWARD ROCK, ¼ LEFT WITH FORWARD STEP, SYNCOPATED HALF WEAVE, SIDE STEP, ½ LEFT WITH FORWARD STEP, FORWARD SHUFFLE17-18Turn ¼ left & rock backward onto left foot, turn ¼ left & step forward onto right foot19&20Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, cross step left foot over right21-22Step right foot to right side, turn ½ left & step forward onto left foot23&24Step forward onto right foot, close left foot next to right, step forward onto right footSTEP FORWARD, ½ RIGHT, COMBINATION COASTER STEP-CROSS SHUFFLE, SIDE ROCK, ROCK WITH ½ LEFT, SYNCOPATED STEP-LOCK-STEP25-26Step forward onto left foot, turn ½ right (weight on left)27&28Step backward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, cross step right foot over left&29Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot over left30&Rock left foot to left side, rock onto right foot & turn ¼ left31&32Step backward onto left foot, lock right foot across left toe, step backward onto left foot2X COASTER STEP33&34Step backward onto right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot35&36Step forward onto left foot, step right foot next to left, step backward onto left footREPEATDANCE FINISH On 11th wall continue dance up to and including count 20 then do the following1-2Step right foot to right side, turn ½ left & touch left foot next to right3&4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side5-6Turn ½ left & step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left (right hand on hat brim)