Smooth Sonny
Nancy Morgan (USA)
The More I'm Around Some People, The More I Like My Dog - Sonny Burgess
WALK, WALK, SIDE ROCK, BEHIND AND CROSS, SIDE ROCK1-2Walk forward right, left3-4Rock/step right foot out to right side and return weight back to left foot5&6Step right behind left, step left out to left side, cross right over left7-8Rock/step left foot out to left side and return weight back to right footSTEP BEHIND, HITCH TWICE IN A ½ TURN, TWO TRAVELING SAILORS1Step left behind right2-3Lift right knee up (in a hitch position) and hop on left two times as you turn ½ turn to your right4Step forward on right5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side, step forward on left7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side, step forward on rightFORWARD ROCK, COASTER STEP, FORWARD ROCK, COASTER STEP1-2Rock/step forward on left and back on right3&4Coaster step - step back on left, step back on right, step forward on left5-6Rock/step forward on right and back on left7&8Coaster step - step back on right, step back on left, step forward on rightSTEP, ¼ TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, KICK-BALL-CHANGE, KICK-BALL-CHANGE1-2Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn to right3&4Shuffle forward - left, right, left5&6Kick-ball-change - kick right foot slightly forward, step right next to left as you lift left foot off of floor, step left next to right7&8Kick-ball-change - kick right foot slightly forward, step right next to left as you lift left foot off of floor, step left next to rightREPEAT