Single Yellow Rose
Dot Swain (NZ)
A Single Yellow Rose - Ida Grant
STEP SIDE TOGETHER, SIDE TOGETHER, ROLLING TURN, STEP TOUCH1-2Step right to right side, step left beside right3-4Step left to left side, touch fight beside left5-6-7-8Rolling turn to right (right, left, right) and touch left beside rightSTEP SIDE TOGETHER, SIDE TOGETHER, ROLLING TURN, STEP TOUCH1-2Step left to left side, step right beside left3-4Step fight to right side, touch left beside right5-6-7-8Rolling turn to left (left, right, left) and touch fight beside leftPOINT, POINT, BACK TOUCH, FORWARD TOUCH, BACK TOGETHER1-2Point right toe to front, point right toe to right side3-4Step back on right, touch left beside right step forward on left, touch right beside left7-8Step back on right, step left togetherSIDE TOGETHER, BACK TOUCH, SIDE TOGETHER, BACK TOUCH1-2Step right to right side, step left beside right3-4Step back on right, touch left beside right5-6Step left to left side, step light beside left7-8Step back on left and touch right beside leftFORWARD, LOCK FORWARD SCUFF, FORWARD, LOCK FORWARD, SCUFF1-2Step forward, right, lock left behind right3-4Step forward, tight, scuff left forward5-6Step forward, left, lock right behind left7-8Step forward, left, scuff right forwardROCK FORWARD, & BACK, COASTER STEP, ROCK FORWARD, & BACK COASTER STEP1-2Rock forward, on right, rock back on left3-4Back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right5-6Rock forward, on left, rock back on right7&8Back on left, step right beside left, step forward on leftPIVOT ½ LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, PIVOT ½ RIGHT, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Step forward, on right, pivot half turn left3-4Shuffle right left, right5-6Step forward, on left, pivot half turn right7&8Shuffle left, right, leftKICK BALL ¼ TURN, KICK BALL ¼ TURN1&Kick right foot forward, step in place with ball of right foot, lifting left foot slightly2Step ¼ turn left with left foot3&Kick right foot forward, step in place with ball of right foot, lifting left foot slightly4Step ¼ turn with left footAND WALK, WALK, WALK, TOUCH&5-6-7-8Step on ball of right foot and step forward on left, right, left, touch right beside leftREPEATRESTART On the 3rd wall and 32 counts restart the dance